"You have to dream before your dreams can come true." -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
How do dreams come true? What are dreams made of?
I can still remember the dream of mine where my dad lifted me up after I made my City(Tirupati) team win in Cricket and that dream remains as a dream, cause I left cricket for a certain reasons. The high on that dream and the situation I witnessed did not happen. So, my dream was not true. This dream is just an example, We get so many dreams of course. I just took it because it hits me.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them - Walt Disney
In the survey I did with a few of my friends, they said “Some dreams can come true”.
Sometimes, dreams can make us think about things we haven't really thought about before. For example, if you dream about doing well or poorly on a test, it might make you believe that could really happen. And because dreams feel so real, they can affect how we act. Like, you might study more or less for the test because of the dream.
But sometimes, dreams seem to predict things without us doing anything about it. It's like our brains put together bits of things we've experienced, even stuff we don't remember, to figure out what might happen. This theory says that our brains pick up on small clues and put them together when we're asleep, helping us guess what might happen in the future. Researchers have found that the brain’s activity during sleep may explain the capacity of dreams to foretell the future.
Dream Anatomy
Dreams happen during a stage of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are very active, almost as active as when we're awake. But our bodies are relaxed, so we don't move much.?
When we dream, different parts of our brain work together to create images, sounds, and feelings. Our dreams can be influenced by things we've experienced, thought about, or felt during the day. Sometimes, they're like a mixtape of our memories and imagination. It's like our brain is putting on a movie while we sleep, and we're the main characters!
I wonder how patients who had suffered from bilateral lesions of the ventromedial region or the parieto-temporo-occipital junction lost the ability to dream.?
Sleep disorder specialist Alicia Roth, PhD, a clinical health psychologist at Cleveland Clinic, spoke to what causes these conditions and what you should know if you ever experience them, noting that it "happens when there’s a malfunction between REM sleep and wakefulness." These occurrences, she says, affect about 10% of the population.
“There are a lot of different things passing through your mind during REM sleep, some of which you remember as dreams,” she continued. “And one of the ways our bodies protect us during this period of REM sleep is to paralyze us so that we don’t act these things out in our sleep.” For those who experience sleep paralysis, the problem comes when there’s a disruption in that transition between REM sleep and waking. “You’re consciously waking up, but that protective paralysis from REM sleep hasn’t fully subsided yet,” Roth explained.
Apart from all the theories above, which are incredible. The dream I mentioned above of mine, is not about me playing cricket. It's about the happiness of my father. I left cricket, Yes. But how stupid I am If I say only cricket can make me and my father happy. I'll dream another.
If you believe that dreams come true, don't lose hope in that statement. The dream of today, didn't happened? Dream another until your dream comes true. The dream of today, you didn't like it? Dream another until you like it and love it. There's so certain thing that stated that our dreams become true and also there's no statement that it won't. LIVE AND HOPE!