Dreams do come true at home!

Dreams do come true at home!

Enjoying and relishing every milestone of one’s baby or sacrificing those moments for climbing up the career ladder?

“Those giggles and laughter of an infant or toddler do not last long, enjoy every bit of it, a career can wait!” There would be hardly any career-oriented mothers who would not have gone through this dilemma in their lives. Most the women, post-childbirth, end up with a career break. A pang of guilt pulls them back from continuing their career and not undivided attention to the new entrant of the family. For such women, reasons for a career break are plenty: Lack of support from family members to look after the baby, hesitancy in leaving one’s child with a stranger, unable to handle both work and personal activities, the list can go on.

Challenges of a Working Mother

In 2019, the total women labor force in India was 23%. It has further decreased in the coming years. World Bank observes that India has a low level of female participation in the employment sector. Less than 40% of women come back to work after having a child. The primary reason observed for the low rate is the responsibility they shoulder at home – from child-rearing to looking after the elder parents.

Commuting to work is a hassle for them; to take the child to a daycare or leave the child with the maid, preparing food for them for the rest of the day, and leaving to the office is a herculean task. It does not end there. They are forced to check up on the welfare of the child back home or at day-care and if the child falls ill, they need to take a leave, which may not be an easy affair with the companies. These factors prevent many women from joining/continuing a job. However, the additional money needed to take care of children forces them to join the job. This is the dilemma for a lifetime – to go for a job and lose time with the kids or lose a job and pay thereof?

In Europe, a survey states that the country is losing a huge women’s talent pool owing to maternity reasons. Some do come back, and some never show up. Likewise, a woman is also ‘wasting’ her bright years in the professional field. Their talents remain untapped.

A woman, after giving up her brightly progressing career, continues to compare herself with their erstwhile colleagues, and friends and ends up in depression. This severely affects her confidence levels impacting her personal life as well. This also impacts her grooming of the baby, for who, she dreamt to be a role model. On the other hand, she loses financial independence which further affects their confidence. It’s a dream unfulfilled, a career goal that was blurred halfway through!

Other Factors

Child-rearing may not always be the sole reason. She may want to pursue her education further, and some women prefer to save a considerate amount of money and be financially independent before plunging into an educational course. She may have to look after her elderly parents or other family responsibilities and society always expects women to take the onus of these and finds it absolutely fine for her to have a career break.

Late working hours and inadequate commuting facilities and security at the workplace are yet other reasons, which need to be addressed. But is that all? She must have wrapped her dreams and ambitions in one corner of her mind and would be wanting to see a spark of hope bloom out further. And what if such an opportunity knocks at your door?

Explore this platform!

Imagine giving shape to your dreams within the four walls of your house, within your comfort space! No hassles of commuting! A space where both work and family can be balanced perfectly! A work-from option for mothers who are looking for re-entry to their career, where both career, education, and family can go hand-in-hand! ! Exciting, isn’t it? 57% of IT industry in US have remote working options and India is also treading the same path. Many companies have remote working options.

AiDOOS, an on-demand remote working platform offers. An opportunity surpassing all geographical boundaries. You can be in any part of the world! If you have the right talent, join the team that was conceptualized on the internet, sans any limitations. If you are a subject matter expert in any technology, you can showcase your talent to the AiDOOS team. They have in-built monitoring systems and status reporting systems.

What is AiDOOS?

The four guiding principles of AiDOOS are opportunity beyond physical location, getting IT done without overheads, focusing on business-centric from IT-centric, and talent and task seen as a service. They already have a repository of services on the platform. A project, task, or POC, AiDOOS will get it done! The company believes that the future of work lies in the integration of human resources across the globe through the internet, connecting via the future workplace. Clients submit their tasks on the platform and AiDOOS distributes that among the global talent pool. If it is complicated, the task is divided among multiple people. It is as simple as that. The platform is scalable and there is scope for career growth. Without stepping out or buying new infrastructure, an AiDOOS family member can reach heights in their career.


Productivity is a great concern among employees and employers when it comes to remote working or working from home. A study by a gig economy platform, Airtasker, says that the productivity of employees has increased while working from home. It is found that employees worked 1.4 days more every month while working from home.

This might be due to the flexible hours factor and lesser commuting hassles. When it comes to mothers, they can manage their children and work simultaneously. Even if they hire a maid, they can monitor their kid periodically, be beside them and complete the professional task.

When both works are planned and scheduled effectively, a proper balance is maintained between the two.

For more info, visit https://aidoos.com/ and be a part of the team.



