Dreams to Deals

Dreams to Deals

Setting Momentum to Sales Activities with The Right Thought Process

Every sales starts with a dream….a dream of helping somebody… a dream of bringing the much required revenue…or a dream of earning a commission..

There may be moments when these dreams crumble into pieces just after the first meeting with the customer.

 Hold on…..dreams are not supposed to die!

 The right thought process can steer us back into the right track of converting these dreams into actual sales. How can we add wings to our dreams so that they can fly and set momentum to our sales activities..

 It may not be that complicated. Everyday is a new revelation to the salesman. This is the beauty of sales job.

Though it has its own pressure points, a sales job offers an infinite opportunity to reinvent oneself, polishing and refining him/her to be a better human being. Ever wondered why the most successful sales people have the highest emotional quotient? In raw terms, we may call it developing a thick skin ??

 Psychology plays a great role in sales - whether it is to understand the customer (external or internal) or to respond to a situation.

But for a sales person, the seeds you plant into your subconscious mind trigger an immense desire to achieve something. It will open up your creative channels and you naturally devise strategies to reach your goals. Remember those days when an idea comes as a flash when you are under the shower in the morning…it comes out of nowhere but watch out, very often you lose it if you don’t pay attention to it. This is how the creative mind works…giving you a quick glimpse into the other possibilities you never thought of with your logical mind. These are the Eureka moments you have to be conscious about.

 Back to the topic of transforming dreams into deals, it all starts with a very simple and basic technique in the good old sales job.

" $$$ Attaching a dollar value to your dream $$$ "

 It may sound very commercial, but we are here because we are part of that commercial world. As long as the product or service you offer does not harm anybody and only helps somebody, you don’t have to feel guilty about it. Have that great feeling of helping somebody with your product or service.

 Once you assign a dollar value to your dream, you set your creative mind into action. You will be surprised to see that you are naturally devising the strategy, identifying the obstacles and finding ways to reach your goal…we all heard of setting SMART goals….but the simple act of tagging a dollar value to our dreams can catapult our activities to a higher realm where there is more clarity and direction in achieving that dream.

 So, let us dream our ways to reality.


  • Picture Cedit: https://alycevayleauthor.com/


