Dreams Come True!
Belinda Foster
Executive Partner and National Recruiter for Centropix Biotech Wellness Solutions
This has been one of the happiest times of my life and everyday just keeps getting better and better!!
Not only did I just celebrate my 6oth birthday which is a blessing in and of itself, this weekend my first official book was launched on Amazon thanks to John Spender and his A Journey of Riches - Abundant Living series of collaborative authors from all over the world . Being one of 12 Co-authors on a subject such as this during what are some of our most challenging times just means that timing is everything and the world needs this read more than ever.
I hope you will find it in your heart to experience this journey with us. My chapter is called The Seachronicity of Abundant Living. The play on the word ‘Synchronicity’ has to do with America’s Oldest Seaside Resort and how I came to land a place I call home in the beautiful coastal town of Pawleys Island, SC.
Just like my life, the twists and turns of the marsh provide anticipation, and sometimes worry, as you wind through the salt marsh grasses. Getting lost in the marsh or kayaking during the wrong time of the tide cycle can mean your trip can turn from a time of relaxation to one of panic very quickly. And so is it with life.
I would love for you to experience the joy of my story as much as I enjoyed writing it in this short chapter. I am honored to be in Chapter One, of which the beginning of my story can be read in the Amazon Sample! I hope it grabs you enough to want to then finish it to the end! xoxoxo
All the proceeds from Amazon sales go to the disabled and elderly Balinese in the Northeast of the island of Bali. The island has been hit hard by COVID with the disappearance of tourists. We will buy around 30 of them enough food for a week!
We would love your support! Our chief goal is to elevate humanity and share inspiration with the world
Through June 10th, our ebook will be 99c USD and our paperback is listed at $14.80usd.
Big shout out to my fellow co-authors "We did it!!"
I hope you don’t mind me sharing my excitement with you all here and thank you in advance for those who help the cause, and come journey with me in my chapter because you my FB friends are a large part of it, and it’s just beginning!!
(..and thank you from my heart to those who have shared this post and who continue to share...I love how our LinkedIn family supports each other!)