Will you allow me to dream for just a moment? Can you imagine what our nation would look like? Can you imagine what our world would look like…if only. If only we would think about, read about, meditate upon, advertise, proclaim & lift up Jesus with the same passion, intensity, fervor and dedication as we have with our particular political ideas, opinions & resolutions leading up to and following our recent elections?!! Can you imagine what our world would look like if only we walked in humility & gentleness with a servant’s hearts?! Can you imagine if we truly loved, looked out for and preferred others above ourselves?! What a world it would be if we would be “patient and kind”; “not envious or boastful”; not arrogant or rude”; not insisting on our own way”; and “not irritable or resentful”?!! How about simply starting with a smile and looking people in the eyes?!
Dreams can come true!!! ??