Dream With Your Eye's Open- Part.7 (Never, Ever Give Up!!!)
Do you know the difference between 99% of the population and the 1%? The 1% choose not to settle. The "self made" among them know exactly want they want and never give up until their goal is met. What happens after that? The next goal. As God "being human"(which is who we are), we are designed to evolve , to grow continuously in every way possible. We each are unique in our own way. We all have "gifts" to share. For many of us, these gifts remain "untapped" . Some gifts or talents are more obvious, yet regardless of what your talents are, if you do not use or develop them , if you decide to settle for status quo you will never realize your full potential. Most of us never do. In order to do so takes constant practice and a willingness to be uncomfortable. To persevere even when it seems hopeless. When ALL odds seem against you yet something in you absolutely refuses to give up. No matter what. in order to truly realize our potential in any area of our life, we must become both immersed and obsessed ?with success on our own terms. We can never ever give up!!!