Dream Reality: How to achieve it Fearless, Flawless and Effortless
Dr. Mani Kiran S S
Keynote Public Speaker I Intuitive Growth Hack Coach I Founder at WWS I
05 STEP BLUEPRINT: Most Forget in the Hectic Life
Why do few achieve Dreams while others NOT?
Ever found SUCH proven system ?
How, so called legends and Leaders of every industry,
Harnessed it.
The World Class: Fame, Fortune and Freedom
What is the world Class Life SECRET CODE?
Do you know it?
Tell me, Please...
Psst... Psst....
Not found answer Yet....
Then, You must dive deep into
The 05 step Blueprint to Realize Your Dreams
Are you thinking?
If I Know this!
Would I able to get it?
I say,
It depends..
Depends on What ?
You see,
That's a Wrong Question?
The Right Question to ask is,
Depends on NOT what BUT Why?
That Means
- Why You want to achieve THAT Dream
- Why is it important to you?
- Why is your Dream is Dream to Pursue NOW?
- Is it Priority or Important? Then Why?
How powerful those Questions ARE! ,
If you take time to ANSWER them
that's Alone,
Can tell to the World,
The starting Point to your Dream is Ignition
The more You are Clear about Your Why
The more You're Aligned.
What does that mean again?
Not Convinced!
Not Agreed!
Let me Show you,
IDEA: T.A Edison - Electric Bulb - Idea (MIND)
TALENT: Nikola Telsa - Alternate Current - (GENIE AWAKENED)
TRUST: Dirubhai Ambani- Reliance - (PERSISTENCE)
You see.... The list goes on.. and On.....
But here is a key, When You Read those Names,
What your MIND is saying about those names,
Yaah... Yaaaah.. We Know this Stuff....
This is Doesn't Work!;
It takes Time and Money and Energy,
It's NOT workable!
Nothing Flashed to me or
I am Not getting What are you asking?
See, You have Mind Use it Now!
Now to Think! What did I ask?
This is Full Crap, Time Waste!
Good For You!
Now you may STOP reading!
Yes! You're Not Right FIT!
This stuff is Not For you !
Leave Now,
Pretty Harsh Words Right!
Aren't They?
When someone ask you to do something
OR If you are doing anything for you?
Do with Intent, BE the ONE who you want to Be
That means,
Focus on the subject, what does it really means,
Spend few minutes thinking
This is What They Did!
Accurate Thinking!
Accurate Thinking Means Not Mental Activity
Don't Confuse it with Creative thinking or Analytical Thinking or Design thinking etc..
Now recall, What those Names of legends and Legacy creators
Silently whispering to you IS,
How you can change your life by understanding what they did
and, if you'd paid Attention,
You would say! One thing Common,
It is,
Idea, Fame, Fortune, Famous etc.,
No, Not at ALL!
Then, What it is?
Want to Know? What's that!
Here you go,
They are all......
Hang tight and
don't loose attention,
I am Revealing Now....,
The Common thing in them is,
Are you with me so far?
They were all
A Common Person But did
Uncommon things WITH
Accurate thinking
That's We Know it !
What's New in this!
What You've just said Now is
Actually, I call it,
Don't Think What you Know
But Think What you Don't Know IN What you Know-Sarvanism
If they are all common then how does every one become world class
They all mustered this!
that is, Zeal of Inspiration or Desperation
and, they went on committed and Dedicated.
What does that mean Committed and Dedicated
They Took A Decision
Just Imagine,
If you want to make a Mouthwatering Dish,
Without a Decision - to make it,
You Don't even don't think about
Knowing recipe of that Dish
That's the Power of Decision
Just like that,
Dreams are also Take a decision and act on it.
To do so , you must Study like a scientist thoroughly about the industry You are in ,
that we call it now-a- days Research
Which open-up Opportunity
It demands specialized skill and team
That's it!
when everything fall in line, Rest is History!
But you Didn't Reveal ...The 05 steps
Coming to that,
Wait... Let You reach Climax,
Are You asking Yourself?
What do I get From it,
How can i apply this insight
Or; You asking me, What is Your Point?
Does HALF-Baked Bread Delicious,
Don't Say, I never Tasted it,
Pretty Witty, Now- A- Days Everyone becoming,
Let me tell you the point?
Before that,
If we know all about them,
If we watched them on media
If we heard them
Why Are You or We NOT taking THAT,
That is, What Actions they took!
Did You See,
The Missing Pie!
The Action!
You may Ask,
How do I know, what actions they Took?
Even if they tell ! Would they Reveal Exactly Everything?
Why Not?
Look, That's What The Limiting Belief IS!
They all Nipped it !
The Only Virus Has
No vaccine is Limiting Belief- Sarvanism
Hey! Don't Say,
COVID-19 has also No vaccine so far,
We all know that,
Let focus, Don't Loose momentum,
They understood more about themselves before they actually start working on their dream
That means,
They Conquered Yourself
You Conquer YOUR's Dream -Sarvanism
Isn't Wonderful!
Ah.., Even if you know this,
I bet! You might have not thought about this,
All we listen is, Success stories, But not pain stories to achieve success.
Don't say STOP IT!
We are together so far
How could you leave me alone
After reading this far, till here,
We (You and I) both are reaching the Goal
The Goal to Know 05 steps,
wait a few seconds,
No.. No
Have you realized, i gave you all the 5 steps for Dream Reality
- Decision
- Belief
- Accurate Thinking
- Perspective
- Action
Eventually Manifest Your Dream
Wait... Wait.... There is so much more,
Now that you had this insight,
Would You be Ready to manifest your Dream
If you were given with this World Class Proven system on Micro level or
Do you think this is ENOUGH
Let me tell you the TRUTH,
If you are serious and Ready maximize other opportunities in your field,
You should know how a common man has used even in time of adversity of Pandemic
and generating cash flow,
Pretty Big Bold Statement Right
This Certainly,
NOT Network Marketing,
NOT Sales Making
NOT E-Commerce
NOT another MLM,
NOT Digital Marketing,
NOT Cold Call
NOT Book Publishing,
NOT Cryptocurrency
NOT Pyramid Scheme
This YOU and YOUR Potential
How you can Leverage more with what you have
The Experience
Not Knowing but Doing to have
Quantum leap to success
Now you got, 02 options,
OPTION 01: Take what i wrote here, Remember Now OR Forget Later
OPTION2: Want to know How?
You too can have a quantum leap in your life to success,
Gentle Advice,
Never Procrastinate to Your Greatness Proceed....
Click Now and Register to ??Quantum leap to Success
OPTION3: ?? Book Call Get Clarified
Sarvan MKS
The Harbinger,