Dream needs a team part 3
Bijay Kumar Khandal
Communication Coach | Leadership Coach | Career Coach | Productivity Coach | Relationship Coach| Executive Coach
Today we are going to cover the last two attributes to look for while you are forming your organization.
Before you read this, I would encourage you to read the first two with the following title
If you have a dream, you need a team & Dream needs a team part 2
To recap the four attributes which we already covered
1) They should have a desire to grow
2) They should have a diehard spirit to bring results
3) Influencing ability
4) Who can differentiate between Love and Respect
The last two attributes which I found most important are following
5) They need to have Emotional IQ
Emotional intelligence is very crucial for a leader, reason being, a leader has to take unknown path and whenever you are on a terrain which you are not aware you will fail, and whenever you fail there are people who will say I said it already, and they will ostracize you, and that takes too much of emotional toll, I will narrate it with a story, which I read in the book failing forward by John Maxwell. This story will bring tears to your eyes.
Today, when we hear about an airplane, the name which comes in our mind is wright brother, but that is not the truth, the truth is the following:
**In 898, Dr. Samuel P. Langley. who was a respected former professor of mathematics and astronomy who at that time was the director of the Smithsonian Institution. had the vision to fly an airplane and he somehow convinced the U.S. War Department for funding to design and build an airplane to carry a man aloft. And the department gave him a commission of $50,000—a huge sum at that point in time, I will not get into the entire detail of the story that you can read in that book, he started the work in 1901 and his work came to fruition in 1903 and when they tried to launch it fell into water 50 yards away from the launching place, oh my gosh, he was criticized left, right and center, still he had the courage to go ahead and 8 weeks later he again launched, this time the cable of wing broke down and he was humiliated in media and everywhere, and after he had didn't had the courage to take it more, bottom line he gave up. and this is the letter he wrote "I have brought to close the portion of the work which seemed to be especially mine. The demonstration of the practicality of mechanical flight. For the next stage, which is the commercial and practical development of the idea, it is probable that the world may look to others."
and just a few days later wright brothers launched and we all know him that's why emotional intelligence is needed.
**Maxwell, John C.. Failing Forward (p. 35, 36, 37). HarperCollins Leadership. Kindle Edition.
6) They understand the difference between rights and responsibility
A lot of the people believe in taking credit of the work which they have not done, and they will always ask for their rights rather than taking responsibility, I need this I need that, but in reality what I have found is you need candidates who can take responsibility for the mission, because the world is filled with people who would take credit, very few can come and deliver, this trait is not very easy to find, because that needs a secure leader, if the leader is insecure he will want credit of everything, whereas secure leader gives due credit to people who deserve it and insecure leader want to take all the credit of his teams effort, and that creates frustration in an organization, and then position becomes more important than the mission, and the organization is set to fail.
I am sure you learned few things from my experience if you relate to this 6 points would love to hear from you, and if you believe there are few more important points do let me know, this list will be ever-expanding, I just wrote my experience and your experience can add few more points.
Communication Coach | Leadership Coach | Career Coach | Productivity Coach | Relationship Coach| Executive Coach
5 年thank you Gyanendra Yadav?
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5 年Diptendu Banerjee?thank you
Communication Coach | Leadership Coach | Career Coach | Productivity Coach | Relationship Coach| Executive Coach
5 年thank you Rupali Goyal, PMP?