Dream Modification: What to do when the tools you THINK you need are not the tools you have access to
When I decided I wanted to be a writer as a teenager, I always imagined sitting in front of a big picture window in Venice, writing the next great American novel. I even pictured a desk that was made out of oak, and a big comfy chair I could sit in all day without my back hurting. :)
Back in the 80’s, computers were not as accessible as they are now, so I pictured typing my book on a Brother word processor similar to the one my dad got me for Christmas that year (pictured above).
But when the time finally came for me to write my first book, I was living in Chicopee, Massachusetts, not Venice.
And that big oak desk I dreamed of sitting at as I wrote? It’s replacement was this lap desk from Barnes and Noble.
That was 14 years ago.
Since then, I have written and published seven books and all of them were written using this lap desk, some of them while sitting on my front porch. I have also written a screenplay, and submitted my writing for publications to magazines and anthologies around the world which has led to me being in O Magazine, Essence, Redbook, Vibe and The Upper Room.
As you can see, it has been broken several times and re-taped with black duct tape. But it still works!
It has remnants of the washi tape and letters I use when I do Bible journaling. But it still works!
My husband has even purchased me a new lap desk- one that is "ergonomic" and sleek in design. It's still sitting in the corner in the living room. ??
We all have dreams of our future and how we think it should be. We may even imagine certain items, scenery or circumstances that MUST be in place if we are to be successful.
But I encourage you to be open to dream modifications. We will still reach our dreams, but the TOOLS we use and the location we are in we are in may look very different than what we saw when we imagined our success.
Stay open!