Dream a Little (Big) Dream

Dream a Little (Big) Dream

I know the “I Have a Dream,” speech his most popular, but today, I’m sharing a lesser-known speech that Dr. King gave to a junior high school in 1967 entitled: "What is in Your Life's Blueprint?" This speech, though given to young adults, resonates with dreamers and doers alike at ANY age, race, creed, etc. In Dr. King’s words, some of the things that should be in your proper, solid, and a sound blueprint include: 

  1. A deep belief in your own dignity, worth and your own ‘somebody-ness’
  2. The determination to achieve excellence in your various field of endeavor (To paraphrase, he basically was the first person to relate goal setting to 'Being the Beyonce of whatever it is that you choose to do in life).
  3. A commitment to the eternal principles of beauty, love, and justice . . . He goes on to explain that you have a responsibility to seek to make your nation a better place to live and to seek to make life better for everyone.

I love these principles because, with confidence, determination, and a commitment to thinking of how you can impact others, you are unstoppable! Your dream starts with asking yourself this question, “What is in my life’s blueprint?” Without a doubt, your dream itself is powerful. However, the force of manifesting a dream and daring to think bigger and beyond yourself is so much more influential and fulfilling. 

It’s hard to imagine what life would be like if Dr. King hadn’t had the confidence, bravery, and vision to manifest and take action on his dream. He was one man, but with that confidence and vision, he was able to inspire, what began as a small group and grew to a national movement, to see, believe and take action the vision with him.

You might be one person, but what world-changing vision are you keeping to yourself?

As a career & online dating coach, I challenge others to unashamedly get clear on their biggest dreams in career and in love. For dreams are mighty when fully believed by the dreamer, but it is when they are put into action that lives are changed. So dream a little (Big) dream, be confident and take action. If not for yourself, do it for Dr. King and the idea that your little (Big) dreams may possibly change the lives of others forever.

If you’ve never listened to this speech, or if it’s been a while, I dare you to take 20 minutes out of the day (that you probably have off of work anyway, right?) and check it out below, but before you do, I challenge you to think of the following things as you listen:

  1. What’s the biggest dream that I can envision for myself? (think as BIG as you can)
  2. What legacy do I want to leave on this Earth?
  3. What unfortunate turn of events happen if I DON’T attempt to achieve this beautiful dream of mine?
  4. What might happen if I achieve, or even better, exceed my wildest dreams?

Go on dreamer.

Brenda Bridges is an Atlanta-based career & online dating coach, Founder of Your Lively Life and Career Coach at General Assembly Atlanta. After one conversation with a Linkedin recruiter, who taught her how to optimize her profile, her dream company found HER! Now, she helps others create stellar Linkedin & online dating profiles to attract the jobs and relationships of their dreams.


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