Dream Job
Cole Wakefield, MS
Executive Director at Good Shepherd Humane Society/Consultant at Rural Humane
I have been blessed with diverse experiences and careers. Before I turned thirty I had bagged mulch (first job), helped run a major Christian bookstore’s website, covered President Obama’s Inauguration as a credentialed journalist, co-wrote a book with my mother, traveled the country as a features writer, created and ran two nightclubs, co-founded a professional theatre company, performed embalming as a mortuary student and helped adult learners get their GEDs. There are a few other things in there too.
Almost everything I did was something I found interesting. I am a quick study and always enjoyed “experting up” on something new. But no matter how amazingly awesome my jobs were I never found the one that I knew I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Until now.
I talk a lot about animal welfare now but in the recent past it was something I really hadn’t paid attention too. I got into this business out of pure necessity; I needed a job and my options were limited. I looked around, without success, and finally, after some prodding, went into the Humane Society. They were kind enough to give me a chance (as they have for many others in my situation).
I started out cleaning kennels. It was messy, stinky, and occasionally painful but it was a job. It didn’t take long for all of those messy, stinky animals to change me. Everyone in Animal Welfare talks about their “one”. The one animal that got them hooked. Mine was Bolt and he hooked me good. I’ve written about him before so many of you already know the story.
Thanks to Bolt and the hundreds of others I have cared for I am proud to say:
My Name is Cole, and I am an Animal Welfare Professional.
There is nothing else I want to be. There is nothing else I want to do.