Dream Job, is it a Myth?
All of us are always thinking of a dream job; one that is enjoyable and meaningful. But, in reality, is there really one? How, then, do we make a great career out of our current job? Though everyone has different aspirations, different focus and different desires in life, the fundamentals apply.?
Your career is life-long, a long-term journey. Hence, take on a job that you can see yourself learn and glow in. When you are passionate about something, you put your heart and soul into it, no matter the difficult level. You will love everything you are doing when you are passionate about it.
A passionate worker finds no dull moments.?
Take Risk
Ask about job rotation. Consider being deployed to another department or find an area that you may be interested to try or to develop a skill in. Sometimes, we may find new passion when we?try out new areas of work. Besides, we can develop additional skill sets.
Be open to take risks.
Be Significant
Show Initiative. Is there anything you can do to bring a significant impact to the company? Maybe you are a catalyst for organisational change? A catalyst to a new business offering or someone who can help boost the operational productivity or the company’s image.??
Success comes from taking the initiative and following up or persisting.
Explore new ways of doing the same job or improve upon it. Is there a more productive way to do this? The transformation of a mundane job to an aspiring career is all in our own hands.??
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Value Alignment
Is the company’s vision and values in alignment with our personal philosophy. It could be the vision of being the market leader or the corporate social responsibility (SCR) for a social cause. The narrower the difference in the value alignment, the more fulfilling our desire to strive in the company, be it big or small.
Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.
Volunteer for companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme - your involvement helps widen your social network. Getting involvement outside of your usual role, lets you see the wider function of the company and how you can craft out a more fulfilling career within. Doing good for the wider community together with other colleagues gives a feel good emotion and we will be happier working in the company.?
Doing meaningful work enriches our mind and soul.?
Work-Life Balance
Work and leisure can co-exist. Timeboxing, used in agile project management, helps us allocate a fixed, maximum time for our work, for our family and for leisure. When we can prioritise and focus on completing each task-at-hand effectively, it in turn lets us achieve work-life harmony.?
Find your Balance.
Supportive Leader
Job satisfaction isn’t just about money, but being in a place where we are engaged, enriched and empowered. Have you found yourself a supportive leader who is approachable, one whom you can trust to guide you through challenges at work? Seek out leaders who will listen and support you with your ideas, one who can also mentor you along the way.?
Most often a good boss makes a good steward.
Let’s sum it all up:
Consider the various factors that are important to you in your career. A fulfilling career does not just happen. To be growing and glowing in what we are doing, we need to cultivate it, develop it and be committed to it in order to build a rewarding career for ourselves.?
This article was prepared by Charlotte Kwang in her own personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view or position of PromiseLand Independent Pte Ltd.