Dream GPT and podcast no. 4million +1
I had some really weird dreams last night. Then again, all dreams are pretty weird, aren’t they? We hallucinate, whilst in rest mode, waiting for the sun to come back around. And it’s always an amalgamation of peculiar characters, like someone from your past life and others ripped from a recent interaction. At least that’s how mine usually go, and last night was no different.
First of all, Jens Lehmann, a former goalkeeper for the team I support, was there, acting as a German guard of some kind. Not that kind of German guard, just a regular guard. And simultaneously, but unrelatedly, he was German. I had seen a post with him talking about his all-time best team the day before so naturally my mind saved that 10 second clip as an image for use at a later stage.
Then there were these half machine people, something from a LinkedIn video post a futurist semi-dystopian idea, certainly AI generated, which I saw a couple of weeks ago. They were were fixing their robotic appendages on a dusty side street, and if anyone knows what post I’m talking about please link me up as I can’t find it for love nor money. It was actually pretty cool and I’m annoyed I didn’t save or comment on it now.
Since its main source of sensory input is in sleep mode, our brains decide to scrape their memories for something interesting or perhaps useful to watch before the body wakes up again. In a way, you could say this is similar to how some AI models work. Scraping millions of images and then producing what they think is the best for that scenario.?
The really interesting question is this; ‘what generates the input for our dreams?’.?
I like to think it’s subconsciously intentional, that there’s an electrical impulse acting as an input engineer, saying “now put that goalkeeper and those humanoids together, good, how about let them drive along that cloud for a bit, ok now forget everything he’s about to wake up!”
I’m going to explore some of these thoughts a bit deeper in the next podcast episode I’m recording as I’ll be speaking to a devs expert who can share a bit more about the intricacies of developing AI models.?
Speaking of the podcast… the first episode comes out tomorrow! Does the world need another one? Apparently there’s over 4 million podcasts to choose from right now, what a time to be alive!
My first guest is the brilliant Matthew Drinkwater, who heads up the Fashion Innovation Agency at the London College of Fashion. As someone charged with looking into the near future and the application of innovative technology, he’s perfectly placed to give some insights to how these tools can help us achieve better solutions within the fashion industry and impact our lives in a meaningful way.
I’ll be posting that in the usual places, so give us a follow on LinkedIn and if you want to get emails about these posts and podcasts, you can sign up on the website home page.
For now, have a lovely rest of your day and I’ll catch you next week.?