The dream of every smartphone enthusiast

Once upon the time there was a boy who wished a smartphone. And he got it. Shiny and beautiful. And the boy was happy. First few days, until he started to install applications on it. Then, day after day, he saw his shiny toy loosing battery faster and faster. It was worst than before. It was a nightmare. He thought he was to blame for making the wrong decision. So he decided to try something else.

A new phone. Even better than before. Another manufacturer, a phone that everyone was praising. Better everything, including battery size. Everything was great. Except.... the big battery was lasting less than before. "No, no, no", the boy said to himself, this cannot be true. So he went forward in the search for the perfect phone.

He changed the manufacturer again. Again, the phone on top of the top. No, his experience did not get better. It was worse.

The forth try was the biggest failure. He listened to his hart. The phone was beautiful. And dumb. A failure recognized by everyone. The boy never had to think about changing it, he had to do it. Just because one day the screen just fell out the body. Yay!

So the decision was taken. Always take the phone that holds the first spot in the benchmarks. A relationship that lasted five device iterations. With every new device, the frustration was growing and the feeling that "next one will be different" was more and more present. He got more bloatware, similar battery life (while he needed just a decent life of the battery, that could get him through the day). He got things he never wanted, like an infrared sensor that was only working with top TVs. Every day, the same question: "What if the other one was better?" The situation reached the climax when, after a software update, the phone started to reboot itself several times every day. He was not able to answer calls because the phone was not responding, the whole experience was terrible. He even went on the "dark side" of rooting and installing custom ROMs. It did not work. And the feeling that this happen just to push the latest hot release was growing. And so was frustration.

So one day, the boy decided he had enough. A bold change, a different vendor, a new try. Things are a little better now, but still not as he expected. There are so many things to improve.

The boy still dreams. For the day his dream smartphone will come to life.

Do you still dream?


