José Antonio Ferreira Dapía
Revolucionando el networking y la tecnología en movilidad y gestión de flotas en eventos como Tech4Fleet y Top Flotas.
Original article by José Antonio Ferreira Dapía, businessman and technologist, about truckers or transporters of dreams, published on January 29, 2022 in Digital Economy.
Few people want to be a carrier of dreams. Few are willing to sacrifice 80% of their time away from their loved ones, from those who love them, away from home.
One more day on the blue planet and one less day of credit in the investment fund of its existence. He has had to make a stop along the way in his daily work to comply with what the regulations order.
He sleeps every day in a different place with the melancholic longing of not being with his loved ones. You cannot kiss your children or your partner goodnight every day. In a room of less than two cubic meters he has to live with himself and with his circumstances, with his desires, dreams and hopes. A daily struggle with its limited terrain.
Someday he was admired, although now underpaid and also reviled, he has to carry out his work despite the circumstances, the meteors or whatever providence wants to send him. In his trailer he is loaded with things that make our lives easier for all of us and make their dreams come true for many.
Few people want to be a carrier of dreams. Few are willing to sacrifice 80% of their time away from their loved ones, from those who love them, away from home. Few are also those who accept the challenge of furrowing the roads and counting the kilometers by millions. A path full of dangers and uncertainties
The transporter of dreams arrives at its destination and technology, once again thanks to providence, brings it a little closer to its loved ones. The videoconference is a balm, which does not cure her for her affective gaps.
He eats and dines alone, with the only company of his memories or a photo that he carries in his wallet. He resorts to a call to rinse his virtual tears. At home there is some small or not so small problem, but he is far away and cannot act as he would like. All this causes him deep anguish, but he has to move on. You have to pay bills.
In his transporter ship they told him good and bad news, and in solitude he had to gobble them up, with resignation and integrity. But he carries that burden with dignity and professionalism, knowing that even if he is not recognized, he is doing an enormous service to society thanks to his sacrifice.
The transporter of dreams has not studied a career, he has not done any master's degree, he does not hold a doctorate or a professorship, but his competition is essential. We know this well in these times of pandemic where they have been, together with the health workers and some other sector, the ones that have had to put a face to it so that the supply chain does not break and so that everyone, even if they are locked up in our homes, is not nothing will be missing
Furthermore, the transporter of dreams is threatened by progress that will necessarily change its role in this entire landscape. He will have to train and prepare for the impact of technology on his livelihood: The technological threat of autonomous driving.
In Spain alone, more than fifteen thousand transporters of dreams are needed immediately, but the hardness of their work, added to the enormous cost of training, makes the matter very difficult.
A transporter of dreams not only carries physical units, but also fills it with hopes, illusions and, why not say it, more or less vital needs.
They are the weakest link in the supply chain. They are the last ditch in defense of the free trade economy that ensures that what some make, others can enjoy.
If the analogy is allowed, they personally remind me of private security guards, who are sent to the war on crime armed with their know-how, their dignity, but also with a baton and handcuffs, which as we all know are tools ultimate against criminals. Hard responsibility to transport the dreams of one and the other, but they assume it as their job, even more, as their duty.
Underpaid, underconsidered and even undertreated, they navigate our roads also loaded with their own dreams, desires and hopes, with the hope that one day they will be recognized, albeit silently, for the merit they deserve out of justice.
-We are hiring truck drivers that own their own?trucks????