Dream Big
Chiplet: Let Integration Race Begin
By Junko Yoshida Audition
DreamBig Semiconductor came to CES with its own 'Open Chiplet Platform.'
The Moral Bankruptcy of the Tech Titans
By Girish Mhatre Opinion
Observed in Davos: How to bamboozle with BS.
Why Is Valeo Clinging to Lidar?
By Junko Yoshida News & Analysis
With its lidars designed into L3 vehicles, Valeo hopes to learn how the car will handle automation, and how that affects cabin redesigns in 10 years.
Is Localized Chip Production Doomed to Fail?
By Bolaji Ojo News & Analysis
Governments are pushing local production hubs on receptive chipmakers but the business dynamics may not support such a system.
Synopsys-Ansys to Bridge Digital, Physical Worlds
By Junko Yoshida Opinion
How will the union of the two companies address the challenges emerging at the digital/physical nexus?
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