Dreading Christmas?

Dreading Christmas?

?Is it the time of year when there’s food all around you and the temptation to comfort or binge eat is stronger than ever – but it’s completely sabotaging your healthy eating and weight loss attempts?

It’s frustrating isn’t it – part of you really wants to lose weight but part of you drives you to eat everything in sight and stuff you really didn’t intend to eat- or even want!.?

There’s probably a lot of shame and guilt for you around this, you may even go to great lengths to hide it, eating in the car for example or late at night when you are alone. But there’s no need to be ashamed – the drive to comfort eat is simply a symptom, a message from your subconscious that there is something you’re not wanting to feel right now.

I practice something called Parts Therapy which is an extremely rapid and effective way to get to the crux of the problem and effectively and permanently change behaviour around unhelpful habits or beliefs.

We are all made up of many parts – this is normal. There is part of you that functions at work, part of you that giggles with friends, part of you that says ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’. Most of the time these parts work quite harmoniously together and we’re not really aware of them.? But, sometimes due to circumstances or events you may not even remember, part of you get hurt.? This isn’t comfortable for your subconscious so it sends in a ‘Protector Part’, a ‘Firefighter’ if you like, to get you to behave in a way that supresses the feelings of the hurt part By identifying the hurt part and teaching it another way to be you can make changes you never thought were possible.? Change is quicker than you ever thought possible. It’s like magic. ?

One client I worked with is a wonderful woman who had been binge eating for decades and tried so many things to stop it. She worked with me and is now not only in control of her eating but even has no interest whatsoever in the things she used to binge on.

Change is possible quicker than you ever imagined.?

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If you would like to know more why not message me and we can set up a call and I’ll explain how I work. ?Then, if you like the sound of it we can work together so that you can stop self-sabotaging and look forward to a slimmer, healthier, more confident you.

Change can be scary. It can have a massive impact on your life. But when you know that the change will give you a better life and can happen rapidly. Then the potential rewards are worth going for, would you agree Hazel Jones, Dip C. Hyp, MNCH(Reg), CNHC?

