The Dreaded "S" Word!!
Many business owners, and, in fact, many people in general, try to avoid this “like the plague”, yet it’s the lifeblood of their business, and without it, their business won’t survive. What is it? The dreaded “S” word—SALES!
Why is that the very idea of “sales” can make us so uncomfortable? Truly, most of us enjoy buying, but we may also dislike selling. One big reason for this dislike is that we often feel like we’re being “pushy”, or taking advantage of someone if we try to sell them something. Perhaps our discomfort with selling started out with a bad experience with a dishonest or pressuring salesperson.
We may also hold the (erroneous) belief that “salesmanship” is a talent we’re born with. Zig Ziglar famously said that newborn babies are not salespeople. However, salespeople do die. So, somewhere between birth and death, by choice and effort, they BECOME salespeople.
But…what if we choose to view “sales” differently? What if…instead of believing that sales is just a way of trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t need (and maybe spending too much for it—OUR perception…not necessarily theirs)…we choose to see sales as helping people solve a problem they really want to solve, and/or achieving a transformation they really want to achieve???
Kind of a paradigm shift, right? And it can change our belief about the vital importance of the “S” word.