Drawing a vision board of life
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
To be honest, there is more on my vision board that has not come to pass than there are things on it that have come to pass more so due to the past two years of covid-19 pandemic which made the world go upside down with lockdowns. But in normal cases creating goals and outward representations of them are a must. Established goals have a better chance of coming true than desires fleetingly acknowledged. Feeling good about life brings you more than feeling bad about what you lack for sure. Create the vision boards, I say. Look at them every day. Smile when you see what is there. Create from a place fully present and you’ll reap greater rewards. Be accepting of life, embrace opportunities more than disappointment and your life changes.?
I picked a picture on the internet of floors that I wanted and then saved it on my computer as a screen. I would look at the picture every time I got on the computer for a few seconds then close my eyes and imagined what it would feel like to have those floors in my house. Three weeks later, we received money from an unexpected source and were able to buy our floors. Vision boards are a little too much for me. I am a “one thing at a time” kind of person. I don’t think the mind can focus on several specific things all at the same time. But that may just be a belief I’m sure it is so cool
But never the less belief or not but you have to do what you believe is true. This is being truthful to yourself and meaning you have to stay within your beliefs of possibilities or you will waste a lot of energy, fail, give up and think the “law of attraction” does not work. I feel results help build faith, so starting with something small like manifesting small amounts or what ever is “small” to you is easier to manifest, because it is within your belief of possibilities. Then grow from there as you wish to.
The Vision Board poem by M.Catherine published in 2021.
As she wrote down her vision on the vision board
She believed it shall come to past
All that was written, the dreams and more
All Blessed opened doors
The goals and plans as the wealth last
More than enough
More to give away
Until this day
She thanked GOD for making the way.
Faith she replied
Businesses and lands
Her trust she placed in GOD'S hand.
The Vision Board
Was kept in a place
As she spoke the words?
from day today
With faith and faith
Trusting in GOD she says.
ALL Prayers.
A vision board is something that only helps you focus your thought energy. It, by itself does not have any power to change your outcome. It’s like placing a hammer near something that needs to be fixed and walking away. You need to pick up the hammer and hammer the nail down. I haven’t been a fan of vision boards. Let’s get clear on that. I haven’t used vision boards but I have manifested. If you can use another method to focus your thought energy in the direction you would like, it can work too.
They are not vital in the manifestation process. You can even pick a rock from the ground and believe that it is magical (although it clearly isn’t). You’re sending out vibrations of your belief. As you continue to do this, your neuron wirings rearrange so that whenever you see or interact with the same rock again, you’ll feel positive. You can now see where vision boards go. You can focus your energy in the way you want it.
I made a vision board for the year 2020, but it never worked because of the Covid-19 pandemic which kept continuing till almost end of 2021 although I used it as inspiration to work hard to reach my goals. The manifestation came up late this year. Make it as an inspiration and do something about those goals you put in there. I believe in law of attraction but I also believe hard work and determination is needed for you to achieve your goals in life. Cheers!