Drawing a Line Under 2019
Crazy to think we are coming to the end of 2019 already, this year has flown by and before we know it we are entering into 2020. Performing professional self-reflection means you take some alone time, grab a pen (or open a new word document) and reflect on your goals, working behaviour, changes in your environment and everything else that impacts your professional life.
The biggest benefit of self-reflection is that you gain an overview of your working year, this allows you to better understand yourself and your working situations giving you an idea of how you can directly impact them. By doing this you get a new understanding of how you can impact the new year, with self-reflection you can act smarter and make sure your goals and environments are aligned.
Planning for the New Year
I set myself goals in the new year, do you? I find setting goals gives me motivation and a sense of achievement. I haven’t always done this but a few years ago I heard that Rory Mcllroy writes his yearly goals on his boarding pass whilst flying out to his first tournament of the year which got me thinking. If an international superstar, who in my opinion, has already achieved his lifelong goals still sets them then surely this would help me! Since then I set myself achievable targets, not just professional goals but goals that will help better me as a person. Each achievement I reflect on, how did I get there? Who helped me get there? And what would I do differently? I believe everyone should set goals, realistic goals that will give you a sense of achievement, I speak with so many people who constantly feel like they are swimming upstream with workload. As soon as one task is boxed off the next is waiting on their desk, because of the intensity they never feel any sense of achievement. By setting your own goals you get yourself out of the hamster wheel effect and start to feel good about your work and yourself.
ing to Work
The Christmas period is often one people reflect and struggle to motivate themselves to get back into work. They start to think about how little time they spend with family due to work commitments, people start to ask questions, is there a job out there where I can work from home? Is there opportunities that will offer more annual leave? Are there environments out there that give me the similar feeling to being at home? The answer is often yes, I say this from experience. Previously I have been in a position where getting back to work in January was such a burden and a mental challenge. Being in a great working environment means that having had a break away from the office over Christmas I look forward to getting back into the office with the team.
If you are struggling with getting back into the work in the new year and need a new challenge, then do get in touch. The start of the year is always busy so perhaps a conversation would be worthwhile. I hope you all enjoy the festivities and I wish you all the best in the new year.