Drawing for Life
Mark Branscum
FINE ARTIST & WEB DEVELOPER - Western, Figurative and my portrait work creates happy clients (my web development does the same)
The way to get better at drawing and or painting is to do it often. One of the exercises I love is to draw on a board with soft charcoal. It's a lot like painting. The #charcoaldrawing you see to the left is on a board on my easel.
I use a large soft charcoal stick so I don't get lost in smaller details. The goal here is to get a likeness of my subject as quickly and accurately as I can. Since this is soft charcoal with one wipe of a cloth wipe it away, take a picture and clear the board for another exercise.
The top is on that same board. The bottom three however are all on paper. I can not begin to tell you how many art pads I have full of drawings like these. Perhaps I will show a few of them one day. :)