The draw of the local paper remains strong!
Michael Mogan, MBE, Mogan and Mogan
Vastly experienced fundraiser across sectors/aspects of income generation; alumni, hospitals, cathedrals, sports, arts, medical, heritage causes: Working part-time for Swim England and a range of clients nationwide
As a kid growing up, hearing the words "'e's been in the local paper, 'e' 'as" was quite a moment!
The kid that won a prize at Irish dancing or who did a sponsored tap dance (and managed not to fall in the bath!)
But with media at our fingertips 24/7, you might think the reach of the local news has dipped.
But - it seems to still have life and a strong following! I loved receiving call after call - and comment after comment - when a piece on me featured: And yes, I am posting so you can see the cheeky faces of the youngest Mogan and Mogans (albeit a couple of years ago and a couple of teeth ago too!)