Draw Dials, Stoplights, and Rounded Rectangles on Access Reports
crystal (strive4peace)
Training & Development ... connect and help build dreams, MVP
New gadgets you can use on Access reports to visualize your data! All gadgets can be sized and positioned. Many have colors you can change and some are dynamic to graphically display values.
Access can draw complex objects using a few simple methods. Get the VBA code and databases with sample reports.
Draw Dials that range in color from red to orange to yellow to green with a needle pointing to a fraction or percentage value that you send.?
Draw Stoplights showing green for 1, yellow for 2, red for 3, or nothing lit for anything else.
Rounded Rectangle????
Draw a Rounded Rectangle. While you might draw rounded rectangles on their own, more often they would be part of another drawing, such as part of the stoplight housing. Drawn with 4 lines and 4 arcs. When the arc radius is relatively large, you get some interesting effects.
Thursday + Friday, April 27 + 28, 2023
Today, Tuesday 25 April, is the last day to register for DevCon, a huge annual Access conference open to the world. It's organized by Karl Donaubauer with help from Peter Doering and Philipp Stiefel . Join me, Access experts, and developers who love Access. I'm presenting Draw Gadgets on Access Reports, hope you can come. It's virtual, so you can join from anywhere!
DevCon Speakers: https://www.donkarl.com/devcon/agenda.htm
Register for DevCon: https://www.donkarl.com/devcon/register.htm
If you can imagine it, Access can do it. Contact me for one-on-one remote training.
kind regards, crystal