Draw Boxes around Text in Access for Shortcuts Report
crystal (strive4peace)
Training & Development ... connect and help build dreams, MVP
See how easy it is to draw boxes around text on a report ... and get a useful shortcut key report for Access and VBA. Since the Access Access newsletter started a few months ago, you've seen how to draw circles, lines, and boxes on a report. This edition shows you how to write text and draw rectangles around it, keep track of where you are, and draw more. Hope you like it, please share your comments!
This link has a PDF of the Access and VBA Shortcuts Report, a database with shortcut key information in tables, a query with information for the report, and the report. In the code behind the report, the ReportHeader_Format event sets up module level variables. The Detail_Format event for the shortcut detail opens a recordset for the keys to press and anything literal.
The code loops through the recordset, uses Print to write text, and Line to draw boxes. There are lots of comments in the code.
There is a logic section with screenshots and explanations, along with Reference links.
Read this article: Draw Shortcut Keys in Access