No Drama, Just Results: Best SKILL for CRUSHING GOALS!
Andrea Romer
Helping Healthcare Professionals Thrive Without Burnout | Empowering Healthcare Facilities to Build Satisfied, Compassionate Teams | Check out My Featured Section Below to Book a 1:1 Call with Me!
You want 2024 to rock personally and you want to have a great work life. As a nurse and coach, I spend my time surrounded by people just like you-DRIVEN. You never give up!
You are in possession of the best skill to be driven, do hard things and never give up without burning out!
You possess the skill already-it just hides in plain sight!
Decision making!
Why read on?
You are great at making decisions! LIGHT BULB!
You make decisions to feel or not feel a certain way!
How you are feeling at the time you make the decision drives it.
What decision are you avoiding in the name of needing more time or more information? How can you make it now? [you will get more data once you make the decision]
What belief can you let go of around your decision making skills?
Celebrate the decisions you made today!
ALL the decisions you make ARE your life and the more decisions you make the more feelings you feel the more results you get.
[decisions are not actions until you have decided!]
Have fun with this skill hiding in plain site!