The Drama of The Gifted Child
Book by Alice Miller

The Drama of The Gifted Child Book by Alice Miller

This post takes in Drama, Trauma, Gifts.

I have seen many posts, read equally as many comments and spoken to a host of people that are expressing a lot of discomfort at this time - they are feeling uneasy in their lives, experiencing memory recall and having vivid dreams relating to past experiences, and emotions are going haywire.

This goes well with the current energies and the personal and collective release of long held beliefs around self-worth that stem from childhood experiences.

I have just finished reading a book entitled 'The Drama of The Gifted Child - The Search for the True Self.

Written by Alice Miller, who achieved worldwide recognition for her work on the causes and effects of childhood traumas, she is also the author of many books, to include: The Truth Will Set You Free, Banished Knowledge, Breaking Down the Wall of Silence, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware, and For Your Own Good.

When triggered, all manner of things that have been held, come to the fore. Usually this is through emotional eruption of some kind. Grief, anger, volatility - there are gifts to be found and embraced in the shadows that shroud those gifts.

Understanding our Childhood Drama and Traumas leads us to the Gifts that we each hold. The best coaches are those who have been through things that they go on to help others navigate.

They have healed their wounds and assist others to do the same.

Through the darkness - light beckons, that light reveals a life of greater understanding, compassion, forgiveness and an immense love for self and others.

Here are some lines from the back cover of the book:

"Why are many of the most successful people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation? This wise and profound book has provided millions of readers with an answer-and has helped them to apply it to their own lives.

Far too many of us had to learn as children to hide our own feelings, needs, and memories skilfully in order to meet our parents' expectations and win their 'love'.

Alice Miller writes, "When I used the word 'gifted' in the title, I had in mind neither children who receive high grades in school nor children talented in a special way. I simply meant all of us who have survived an abusive childhood thanks to an ability to adapt even to unspeakable cruelty by becoming numb...?

Without this 'gift' offered us by nature, we would not have survived." But merely surviving is not enough. The Drama of the Gifted Child helps us to reclaim our life by discovering our own crucial needs and our own truth."

Pushed to the limits, many are being triggered without understanding the reason for their reactions.

Among other things, why do people feel lonely, fearful, angry and aggressive, even when they may have achieved what is termed 'success' - be that financial and/or merit of some kind through academic achievement, fame or other forms of notoriety.

What ails them?

What makes people take flight or fight?

What leads to gremlin is wreaking havoc and leading souls to act in self-destructive ways that hurt themselves and others?

What causes selfishness, rudeness, disrespect of self, others and the world at large.

From the smallest of misdemeanours to the greatest crimes against humanity, what prompts a soul to behave in such a way?

The answer stems in childhood experience-damage done in the most crucial developmental stages of a child’s life that lives on in the adult.

Intellectual wisdom would say: but they are an adult now, surly they ought to be able to control their behaviours.

This though is not 'emotional intelligence' which is what is needed.

To quote from the book:

"The damage done to us in during our childhood cannot be undone, since we cannot change anything in our past. We can, however, change ourselves."

The book gives examples of how people seek the safety, the acceptance and love, that they did not receive as a child in all manner of ways, desperately seeking these and many other fulfilments that are lacking in people, places, titles, addictions and behaviours that do not serve them in relation to a healthy sense of self-worth.

Through no fault of their own, damaged during the most important stage of their development, people live in inner prisons - fear their captor. They seek love in loveless relationships, protection in environments that are the least able to offer protection.

Those used to abuse, seek to replicate what they know to be 'the norm' even if they would say intellectually that they do not.

To quote from the book:

"His passion for his false self makes impossible not only love for others but also, despite all appearances, love for the one person who is fully entrusted to his care: himself."

In a vicious circle of contempt, children bear the brunt of the wounded and unhealed child within their own parents and carers acting out.

To quote from the book:

"It is absolutely urgent that people become aware of the degree to which this disrespect of children is persistently transmitted from one generation to the next, perpetuating destructive behaviour."

These children 'acting out' within adults run businesses, have professions, take roles as world leaders!

Sobering, that!

The Gift...

To quote from the book:

"A person who has matured through her own experience cannot be tricked with fascinating, incomprehensible words. Finally, a person who has consciously worked through the whole tragedy of her own fate will recognise another's suffering more clearly, though the other may be trying to hide it."

Having delved deeply into my own childhood and recognised what has caused some of my own insecurities over my lifetime, I can clearly see the denial in others, the facade put up to hide the gaping hole that is so desperately in need of healing.

We are each to take full responsibility for this.

To quote from the book:

"This achievement will have not only personal consequences for the individual and her family, but also far-reaching significance for society as a whole."

The wounded child living, kicking and screaming for attention within an adult can cause all manner of problems that affect the adult themself and others.

We are talking anything from attention seeking, moodiness, jealousy and depression through a myriad of other afflictions from self-harm to the harm of others, singularly or on a mass scale.

Sibling rivalry, fighting for food in a large family, being 'sent away' to boarding school, receiving severe punishment, mental and physical abuse 'either witnessing or observing it'...even being spoilt to the extreme, which gives a child an inflated sense of entitlement, each and all create inner landscapes that need carful tending as an adult.

This book is highly recommended if you want to understand more about The Drama of the Gifted Child.

It is a precursor to the next book that I am now reading on this very important matter-Home Coming-Reclaiming & Championing Your Inner Child by John Bradshaw.

I will be sure to write about this when I have read it.

There are as many children nursing a 'wounded child' as there are people in this world.

I believe 'Inner Child' work to be the healing balm that this world needs in order for us to heal on an individual and collective level.

If we each take responsibility for playing our role in this, it will be a ‘healed and whole new world, for humanity.

Article – ? Susanne Austin, 21st October 2024 - (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).

Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.


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