Drama-Free Life

Drama-Free Life

Marie Roberts De La Parra, Life Energy Manager, Wait a Green Minute

There are too many people unable to find a drama-free life. Each day we go about living life focused on the task before us. Many people are unable or unaware of the drama playing out around them, or in them. It may come across as they don’t care instead of the lack of awareness. Drama shows up in many forms and can be a catalyst for disharmony in all that one may do, or attempt to do. Drama can make you fearful, moody, angry, jealous, and definitely unhappy.

Conflict of any kind is a type of drama. It can be arguments within your household or business, gossip, unkindness to any life, not liking your co-workers, and yelling at those caught in the same traffic as you. Too much of our time is usually spent in our own heads dealing with our own ego thoughts; “did they like my presentation, did I say or do the right thing, I wasn’t good enough, I won’t get another chance I messed up”. Any time second guessing yourself is time not well spent.

The more time spent thinking any thought gives one the power to speak it. Then our thoughts, words, and actions become one. For the bad or the good of one’s well-being.

Is this your self-talk? Your self-talk can bring you up or take you down to the lowest levels of thought depriving one of inner joy. “Do great things when they are small” (The Tao). Take baby steps to free one’s well-being from drama. Life is not about you; it’s about how you show up in the world. However, you show up it will be contagious affecting all those you engage with. One only attracts that which is the core of who they are. Drama as well as happiness are derived from within. So when one thinks they are doing harm or kindness to another it is always the reflection of you and not them. The mirror tells no lies.

Like a tsunami when the waves roll out there will be nothing left to do when the waves come back in. Over-taking and consuming all that lays in its path. My hope is that we each strive to Be the calm in the storm, not the storm itself.

My mission: For all people to have a drama-free life

Marie Roberts De La Parra

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