Dragonhunters dining on elephants
Tanya Vorster
Senior claims Assessor: When you are passionate about what you do, it is not a job, it is living the dream.
Being a dragon hunter means finding dragons (goals), crushing your self-imposed beliefs about the challenges ahead and overpowering the dragon. This does not mean you go in swords swinging to kill the dragon. Sometimes you need a different approach. The saying goes you`ll catch twice as many dragons with honey that with vinegar. I`ll share my successful dragon hunting secret with you… The secret lies in the question how do you eat an elephant?
Confused?? That is excellent. Dragon hunting is not easily understood. Only the bravest of the brave understand it is not always the biggest, boldest noisiest hunter that tames the dragon. Dragon hunting is not always going out killing the dragon. Sometimes it is necessary to capture the dragon because you need the dragon` skills (brute strength and fire spewing capabilities).
The dragons in my life are becoming a claim assessor and reducing my BMI. These dragons are not ‘a rushing and 1 2 3 conquering’ hunt. It is a slow hunt where I need to earn the dragon`s trust.
This is where my question comes in… How do you eat an elephant? The answer is very simple… piece by piece. Over a period. It is definitely not a snack for your lunchbox. The elephant is cut in to smaller, manageable meals that lasts you a long time. It can feed multiple families for a time.
My first real life was my very first 10 km run ever. I was adamant that I would finish, whether it meant running, walking, crawling, or rolling. True to my word I finished the run on the beachfront, but I did not run 10 km. I ran to that tree, walked to this trashcan, run to the steers shop and then walk to that pier. This achievement led me to my first impact which was scarier than the run. My impact was about how I ate elephant piece by piece… You would think lesson grasped.
In 2015 the opportunity presented itself and I went to the Hub to assist in claims. Up to this point I had no career plan or interest. I thought my calling was being customer care call centre agent, because I am good at it. This changed after spending a couple of hours in claims. I found my happy place. At that point it became my goal to be claims assessor. Completely forgetting the elephant principle, I begged, pleaded and made a nuisance of myself. I eventually got in as a claim administrator, but because it was not my time, I moved back to the call centre.
I was disheartened and stopped chasing my dream. However, giving up is not in my DNA. I spend every free moment in the claims department. Even during Covid, I helped from home. Spending late nights drafting rejection letters. However, after 13 years, I resigned in January 2021. Being on the older than 35; less than 40 though, I had no patience left for the people from the right side of 25 treating me like I am stupid.
4 months later the offer of a temp claim assessor was offered to me. Without hesitation, I asked when do I start? I didn`t care that my salary was less, and I did not care that it was a temp position. For a second, I was worried because I never assessed a claim before. I pushed the thought aside and under the mentorship of Lee – Ann I blossomed as a claim assessor.? Because of my dedication, willingness to learn and passion for the calling, I was re – employed; as claims administrator.
Within a couple of months, I became the subject expert on death claims at The Unlimited. My mentor, teaching me how to apply the terms and conditions and how to identify things out of the ordinary. I became entitled and believed I need the title to validate me. I never stopped assessing claims to the best of my ability, however I was unhappy because I did not have the official title. I was trying to finish my elephant in one go.
?The leadership changed and we were blessed with a wealth of insurance knowledge and how to apply the knowledge. With Gareth came changes and new relationship with IUA. I knew I had to smash my self – imposed believes that I am not worthy to speak to management level people. All I achieved by this belief was an unknown entity at The Unlimited after 15 years.
I stepped up a little, took some responsibility and developed the pre – assessment template, the most unliked task in claims. I still held on to some of the “I am not worthy” believe system. Last year July was the turning point. Gareth and Chantel called me in and told me I am amazing at my job and nobody can fault me for my work ethics. We agreed that I will be challenged more on the work front, however I need to do some dragon hunting om myself. The African elephant was I do not back myself, the Indian elephant my BMI (weight) and the little baby elephants such as not being able to build relationships and emotionally connect with people. I was more worried about the Indian elephant than the African one. I believed when saying it out load, people will believe you. News flash came back: OTHER PEOPLE KNOW YOUR WORTH” … I did not have to convince them.
I changed my eating habits, started going to gym, small bites of the baby elephant. As time went by, I gained confidence in my knowledge, however, I still double checked everything with Gareth or Lee – Ann, however, they pushed back. Asking for my view before guiding me. I kept up the healthy eating habits and going to gym, slowly chipping away at my weight.
Funny story, for every kg my weight elephant shrunk, the “back myself” shrunk 5 times. Every time I do a park run or go to Monday gym class; both the elephants` pieces are less. I`ve lost 20kg since last year July. ?
Today, I chair a claims panel meeting between The Unlimited and our underwriters, nervously, but confident in my knowledge and application of our terms and conditions. I can connect with the people around me, and I am getting better at building relationships. I am walking, talking breathing example of be, do, have.
My journey started 16 years ago when I walked into a company where the morning meeting start with a war cry, and they send you on transformational courses. The saying goes, when the learner is ready, the teacher will appear.
I am a dragon hunter that dines on Indian elephants and African elephants because I am smashing my self – imposed believe that I am a call centre agent as punishment because I never appreciated the opportunities gifted to me by my family.
I am a dragon hunter that tamed the dragon because it is not always necessary to destroy the dragon.
#UnlimitYourLife #TheUnlimited