Draghi: The Unvaccinated Are Not Part of Our Society
Armstrong Economics
Covering The Intersection Of Geopolitics, Global Markets, And Economic Confidence
Mario Draghi has ruined the lives of 500,000 Italians after declaring, “The unvaccinated are not part of our society.” All Italians over 50 must now receive the vaccination to find employment or participate in society. Draghi is directly blaming the entire pandemic on those who did not conform. “We must never lose sight of the fact that?most of the problems we have today are because there are non-vaccinated people,” Draghi told a news conference. “For the umpteenth time, I invite all those Italians who are not yet vaccinated to do so, and to get the third shot.”
Hmm… when else in history has a leader blamed all of the country’s woes on a specific group of people and how did that end?
Draghi’s new ruling began on February 15, where the government will demand businesses deem ALL unvaccinated workers over the age of 50 “unjustified absentees,” and they are to be suspended from work without pay. Beginning on June 15, those unjustified absences will turn into terminations. Those who do not bend will face a 100 euro?fine, and could be fined up to 1,500 euros for violating the new law. This rule expands to the private sector as well as Italy pushes for every Italian to carry a Green Superpass that shows they have been vaccinated or recovered less than six months prior.
Italians under 50 are still able to provide a negative rapid swab (valid for 48 hours) or a PCR swab (72 hours), but they will soon come for everyone.
“It is important that those who will be restricted from today or who will be restricted can be part of it again, come back into society, together with all of us,” Draghi patronized. Italy has drawn a line – take the vaccine or we will destroy your ability to live. Half a million Italians just lost their jobs while likely at the height of their careers. Draghi is one of Schwab’s pawns, like Trudeau, who has no empathy for the people of his country. I believe the world is now seeing how much power politicians have over our lives as they can make them come to a screeching halt at a whim.