Dragging the raft
Steve Dennis
Top Retail Influencer & Analyst | Strategic Advisor | Keynote Speaker | Award-winning Podcast Host | Bestselling Author of "Leaders Leap" and "Remarkable Retail" | Forbes Senior Retail Contributor
There is a Buddhist parable concerning a man trapped on one side of a fast-flowing river. He faces great uncertainty and danger by staying on his side. And he soon realizes he must cross the river to find safety.
Alas there is no bridge or ferry for crossing. So the man decides to construct a make-shift raft from logs, branches and vines. Eventually he is able to paddle himself to the other side.
The Buddha then asks the assembled monks a question: What would you think if the man, having crossed over the river, said to himself, ‘Oh, this raft has served me so well, I should take it with me as I continue my journey on land’? The monks replied that it would not be very sensible to cling to the raft in such a way.
The Buddha continued: What if, instead, he lay the raft down gratefully, thinking that this raft has served him well, but is no longer of use and can thus be laid down upon the shore? The monks agreed that would be the proper attitude.
If you are anything like me, you may find yourself clinging to beliefs, techniques and practices that once served you well but were meant for an entirely different set of circumstances.
If you are anything like me, you may hold on to the familiar–the comfortable–despite ample evidence it is no longer working.
If you are anything like me, you may be carrying around the proverbial hammer in search of the next nail.
Many of us have some version of a raft we continue to drag behind us.
Maybe, with the passage of time, we will find ourselves in the exact set of circumstances where that raft will turn out to be exactly the thing we need. Maybe.
But there is so much freedom, so much speed to be gained, so much possibility to be claimed, in simply letting go.
This post originally appeared at https://www.stevenpdennis.com