[DRAFT Version in Progress]-ADVANCED VERSION OF ANAPANA BREATH Observation - Prevailing "AIR consciousness" over ELEMENTS of SELF -Jan-11-2024

[DRAFT Version in Progress]-ADVANCED VERSION OF ANAPANA BREATH Observation - Prevailing "AIR consciousness" over ELEMENTS of SELF -Jan-11-2024 [DRAFT VERSION in PROGRESS}



ANAPANA Meditating on BREATh- DO and Don't - What to AVOID? - Jan-13-2024


ANAPANA meditation on the breath, if not done correctly, creates SANKHARA or MENTAL DEFILEMENT or BREATH consciousness that is CONDITIONED or AFFLICTED.


For example, I used to make the mistake of combining ANAPANA meditating on breathing during/'along with' other regular breathing exercises aka PRANAYAMA and body exercises and that created DEEP INHALE SANKHARA. which would cause tight stomach and Blood Pressure issues in the long run.


Now Monks, Once you have a breathing pattern that starts to give you nightmares due to combining ANAPANA with other exercises, then you are headed for real trouble.


Here, I tell you that any time you fall into the TRAP OF a WRONG BREATH PATTERN that creates a tight stomach or constant deep inhales affecting your stomach in the long run, then the only option you have is to immediately STOP ANAPANA and other breathing exercises and SWITCH IMMEDIATELY to ANULOM VILOM pranayama that is performed "within the perimeter of NOSE", and doing so will help you come out of breathing trouble you have created by combining ANAPANA with other exercises.


Please look at YouTube videos of ANULOM VILOM pranayama that is performed "within the perimeter of NOSE", and get familiar with it ASAP, as this pranayama is the only hack that will save you when you fall into the trap of creating "BREATH consciousness that is CONDITIONED or AFFLICTED". Perform ANULOM VILOM pranayama for at least 3-5 minutes a few times a day to STOP THE WRONG BREATH PATTERN.


a SADHAK can re-start the ANAPANA again within a day or two after the "BREATH consciousness that is CONDITIONED or AFFLICTED" has been cleansed through ANULOM VILOM practiced a few times a day for a day or two.




Prevailing "AIR consciousness" over ELEMENTS of SELF -Jan-11-2024


NOTE: In order to RELAX the BODY and BREATH just before performing breath observation meditation on AIR consciousness, it is very important to first perform ANULOM VILOM breath PRANAYAMA where we Inhale from one nostril and then exhale from another nostril and then alternate the inhale and exhale from each nostril. [please look for YouTube video on Anulom vilom pranayama] . We shall always start with anulom vilom pranayam for 2-3 minutes just before breath observation meditation and anulom vilom pranayama for 2-3 minutes just after the breath observation meditation, this will ensure that the breath mechanism is unaltered due to abnormal behavior by SADHAK in performing the breath observation meditation when the body and breath are not relaxed. Avoid performing breath observation meditation after or during the exercise and when the body is in motion.



Before starting the ANAPANA breath observation aka "AIR consciousness observation", a SADHAK shall be encouraged to accustom them to "VOICE consciousness" in the form of CHANT MANTRA.

Now Monks; this CHANT MANTRA must be similar to the "HARE KRISHNA CHANT MANTRA from KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS", which takes around 5-6 seconds to CHANT ONCE or to complete ONE CHANT in spoken form.


Here is the full text of the CHANT mantra:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama,

Rama Rama, Hare Hare


The "Lord Krishna mantra", is chanted to increase awareness of the higher consciousness power and connect to the ultimate divine entity, known as "Krishna consciousness". This chant may be considered the universal essence of all the CHANT mantras, as it seeks to transcend religious, cultural, and geographical boundaries, and is thus known as the Maha (Great) Mantra.


The chant mantra May be loosely translated as "O Lord, O Energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your service" and can be translated in other sects, religions, or communities as the case may be, in such a way that the FULL TEXT OF MANTRA takes at least 5-6 seconds to complete once in spoken form. Once the CHANT MANTRA TEXT is ready as decided by the SADHAK or a MONK of that sect or community or any other practicing religion, this is what a SADHAK is required to do for the next 4-6 weeks, before starting the ANAPANA BREATH OBSERVATION MEDITATION that shall Prevail "AIR consciousness" over the ELEMENTS of SELF, to achieve NIBBANA, Transcend MIND, BODY and PHENOMENON.


With CHANT MANTRA in hand, A SADHAK now forms the habit of taking a WALK or simply sitting at home as the case may be, and CHANTS MANTRA with SPOKEN WORDS along with taking a walk or in just a sitting position, for at least 30-40 minutes in one sitting/walk daily at least once. Apart from one longer CHANT duration of 30-40 minutes, a SADHAK shall also CHANT the MANTRA in SPOKEN form for around 5 minutes several times a day for the next 4-6 weeks. Apart from this, A SADHAK or a MONK must listen to his own CHANT VOICE or VIBRATION OF VOICE coming from the spoken chant mantra or surrounding voice during this time. A SADHAK shall also form the habit of listening to every voice or word coming from the surroundings, people, birds, and TV sets and his own spoken CHANT MANTRA to benefit him from voice consciousness he is attending to as part of his training to prevail voice consciousness over all the other consciousnesses.


Once the above process is completed a SADHAK is now prepared to perform ANAPANA breath observation that shall Prevail "AIR consciousness" over all the other consciousnesses and the ELEMENTS of SELF, to achieve NIBBANA, Transcend MIND, BODY, and PHENOMENON.




The NEW ADVANCED FORM OF "ANAPANA breath observation of EXHALE AIR" EXPLAINED: Jan-11-2023


A Monk or a SADHAK, Having gone to the foot of the tree or secluded himself to practice the mindfulness of 'AIR consciousness' aka "ANAPANA breath observation of EXHALE AIR";


HE sits there comfortably and discerns the MINDFULNESS as follows:


A Monk is aware that we as BEINGS, continue to shift our attention from ONE consciousness to ANOTHER consciousness, as we shift from one THOUGHT consciousness [mental content] to another THOUGHT consciousness [mental content]. In the very next moment, we shift attention from THOUGHT consciousness to VOICE consciousness [one of the 6 sense media interactions]. The next moment we shift attention to the "BODY SENSATIONS consciousness" in the form of itch, and pain, we again shift attention to the mental content consciousness in the form of anxiety, sadness, fear, and depression as the case may be, and thus monks, as per the law of nature this shifting of consciousness from mental contents to body sensations to one or other phenomenon signals the IM-PERMANENT NATURE OF THE consciousness, where ATTENTION TO the consciousness decides which misery will take present moment ATTENTION and affect the BEING in such a way that he is always affected by the MARA or the "world of the devil".


Also, a MONK has been made aware, that explicitly ATTENDING TO "VOICE consciousness" and the "AIR consciousness", alleviates or subdues the consciousness that is trying to take his attention in the present moment which may cause him misery eventually. Here, a MONK knows that the PURPOSE OF MINDFULNESS is to ESTABLISH one of "AIR consciousness" or the "VOICE consciousness" over all the other consciousnesses that are trying to take the attention in the 'present moment', to subdue them.


For this, a MONK has to decide on the OBJECT OF MEDITATION [Air consciousness or Voice consciousness] on which MINDFULNESS shall be practiced for subduing other consciousnesses and achieving NIBBANA as the final goal, only with the MEDITATION on MINDFULNESS object of 'AIR consciousness' or 'Voice consciousness'.


Here in ANAPANA, a MONK shall take "AIR consciousness" aka "ANAPANA breath observation of EXHALE AIR", as the OBJECT OF MEDITATION for the purpose of practicing MINDFULNESS that shall bring NIBBANA as the final goal.





HE sits there comfortably, CLOSES HIS EYES, and discerns the MINDFULNESS as follows:


A MONK knows that his observation of AIR consciousness or 'EXHALE AIR', is based on EQUANIMITY [no mind-body reaction whatsoever] and OBJECTIVE OBSERVATION [detached, unemotional observation of EXHALE AIR without forming any opinion]


With closed eyes, through his mind's eye or inner vision, he focuses his undivided ATTENTION on the object of MEDITATION to practice the mindfulness of 'AIR consciousness' aka "ANAPANA breath observation of EXHALE AIR"

He continues to OBSERVE EVERY occurrence of EXHALE AIR without missing even a single EXHALE, as the exhale AIR flushes out, he makes sure always to observe the actual AIR that is flushing out during the exhale.


And while doing so he lets go of ELEMENT OF SELF (Form, feelings, perception, reactions of fabrications, CONSCIOUSNESS)

He, OBSERVES ONLY THE EXHALE AIR during the ANAPANA BREATH OBSERVATION, and when doing so he ensures that observation of EXHALE AIR prevails over FORM, Feelings, Perceptions, Reactions, and the other forms of consciousness that are arising from time to time.


That means, while observing the "breath EXHALE AIR consciousness", a MONK, lets go of FORM or all the WORLDLY INTERACTIONS, Lets go of attending to FEELINGS of body sensations or mental contents, let go of PERCEPTIONS or Brain analysis or THOUGHTS, lets go of Reactions or mental, verbal or physical reactions, and lets go of other arising Consciousnesses and simply prevails observing ONLY the "EXHALE AIR consciousness" in its pure state as it flushes out during the observation process.


He continues to observe the "breath EXHALE AIR consciousness", maintaining absolute EQUANIMITY and OBJECTIVE OBSERVATION, with the FIRM INTENT to attend to "breath EXHALE AIR consciousness" over all the other consciousnesses that are arising from time to time to take his attention.


In this way, a MONK turns his undivided and firm attention to the AIR Consciousness and prevails AIR Consciousness over all the other consciousnesses that may arise and cause him misery.


When attending to the 'AIR Consciousness: Exhale Air', or the VOICE Consciousness, a MONK knows and UNDERSTANDS, that every observation of AIR consciousness exhaled air that was NOT DONE with undivided, focused attention that is devoid of thoughts and other-worldly interaction, where equanimity [no reaction] and objective observation [detached observation without clinging to anything in the world of mind and matter] was not followed, then such type of 'EXHALE Air" OBSERVATION HAS GONE WASTE and he has not benefited in any way by due to the CONDITIONED observation of AIR consciousness or EXHALE AIR.


An observation is said to be 'CONDITIONED', if the observation of consciousness is affected by non-equanimity, non-objective observation, filled with thoughts and done along with other WORLDLY interactions and such CONDITIONED observation does not benefit the SADHAK in any way and hence he must ensure that every observation of EXHALE AIR must be done in such a way that it is NOT CONDITIONED and EACH EXHALE AIR is observed in its pure state.


NOTE: NEVER COMBINE breath observation with exercise or other breathing pranayama. The breath observation of EXHALE air must be done in sitting or motionless positions only. Do not perform breath observation in walking postures or when in motion. In the case of any abnormal behavior or change of breath after breath observation meditation, please STOP the breath observation of exhaled air and switch to ANULOM VILOM pranayama performed for at least 5-10 minutes a few times a day, immediately for a few days, this will stop any change in breath pattern that is the result of breath observation. In Anulom Vilom pranayama within the perimeter of the nose, we observe inhaled air from the right nose during inhale and observe exhaled air from the left nose during exhale by closing the left nostril with the index finger and then observe inhaled air from the left nose during inhale and observe exhale air from the right nose during exhale by closing the right nostril with the index finger. Please watch related videos on ANULOM Vilom Pranayama on YouTube for this. Or to be on the safe side one may perform ANULOM Vilom pranayam immediately after the breath observation meditation for at least 5 minutes.


In Anulom Vilom pranayama within the perimeter of the nose, we observe inhaled air from the right nose during inhale and observe exhaled air from the left nose during exhale by closing the left nostril with the index finger and then observe inhaled air from the left nose during inhale and observe exhale air from the right nose during exhale by closing the right nostril with the index finger. Please watch related videos on ANULOM Vilom Pranayama on YouTube for this. Or to be on the safe side one may perform ANULOM Vilom pranayam immediately after the breath observation meditation for at least 5 minutes.



During the "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation";-

A Monk observes AIR consciousness with the INTENT to prevail over MIND, BODY, and PHENOMENON,



MIND or MENTAL CONTENTS: Prevailing "AIR consciousness observation"

OVER all the other consciousnesses arising out of the MIND or MENTAL CONTENTS:


A Monk experiencing the "FLOW OF THOUGHTS" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over the feeling of "FLOW OF THOUGHTS", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


A Monk experiencing the "ANXIETY" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over the feeling of "ANXIETY", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


A Monk experiencing the "feeling of depression" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over the feeling of "feeling of depression", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


A Monk experiencing the "feeling of sensual desire" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over the feeling of "feeling of sensual desire", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".




BODY or BODY SENSATIONS: Prevailing "AIR consciousness observation"

OVER all the other consciousnesses arising out of the BODY or BODY SENSATIONS:


Here a Monks experiencing the body sensation of "ITCH" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over body sensation of "ITCH", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


Here a Monks experiencing the body sensation of "PAIN" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over bodys sensation of "PAIN", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


Here a Monks experiencing the body sensation of "feeling of sweat or heat" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over feeling of ""feeling of sweat or heat"", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".



PHENOMENON or INCIDENTS in state of flux a monk faces over which he has no control: Prevailing "AIR consciousness observation"

OVER all the other consciousnesses arising out of the PHENOMENON or WORLDLY INTERACTIONS during the mindfulness meditation:


Here, a Monk experiencing the body sensations or mental contents arising out of "phenomenon of ITCH" in present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over body sensations or mental contents arising out of ""phenomenon of ITCH"", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness", and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


Here, a Monk experiencing the body sensations or mental contents arising out of the "phenomenon of PAIN" in the present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over body sensations or mental contents arising out of " phenomenon of PAIN", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


Here, a Monk experiencing the body sensations or mental contents arising out of "phenomenon of 'ANXIETY or depression or fear or panic or feeling of humiliation'" in present moment, observes the 'exhale AIR' or "AIR consciousness", in such a way that the observation PREVAILS over body sensations or mental contents arising out of ""phenomenon of 'ANXIETY or depression or fear or panic or feeling of humiliation'"", and thus, he continues to PREVAIL the observation of "AIR consciousness" over "all the other consciousnesses" that he comes across during the ANAPANA Mindfulness meditation of "ANAPANA Breath observation of EXHALE AIR" aka "AIR consciousness observation", in this way a monk "applies all his attention" to the observation of "AIR consciousness", to prevail over all the other consciousnesses that he comes across during mindfulness meditation, and he also ensures, that neither of CRAVING/AVERSION/DELUSION (I, ME, MINE or them) and CLINGING ARISES during the MINDFULNESS practice of "observation of Air consciousness".


Sunil Dudia

Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India

1 年

ANAPANA Breath Observation in a few sentences:-?ANAPANA Breath Observation in 2 sentences:- Experiencing or feeling the inhaled air, "within and inside the perimeter of nose organ/ within the nose body," "observe every exhaled Actual Air", through the mind's eye or the inner vision. Simply perform ANAPANA breath meditation for 5 minutes a few times a day to correct any breathing-related disorder like cold, cough or asthma, to resolve or calm down the?NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES like TINNITUS or MIGRAINE.? . When starting the ANAPANA breath meditation on AIR CONSCIOUSNESS, For the first 2-3 minutes only, both the inhaled air and exhaled air must be observed within the perimeter of the nose body or within the nose, and then, only the EXHALE AIR is to be observed for rest of the time. The first 2-3 minutes of observing both the inhaled air and exhaled air is an important step to bring the breath pattern back to within the nose or "within the perimeter of nose body" to correct the breath pattern that observes breath within the nose body or perimeter of the nose.

Sunil Dudia

Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India

1 年

ANAPANA Breath Observation in 2 sentences:- Experiencing or feeling the inhaled air, "within and inside the perimeter of nose organ/ within the nose body," observe every exhaled Actual Air through the mind's eye or the inner vision. Simply perform ANAPANA breath meditation for 5 minutes few times a day to correct any breathing related disorder like cold, cough or asthma, to resolve or calm down the?NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES like TINNITUS or MIGRAINE.

Sunil Dudia

Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India

1 年

NOTE: NEVER COMBINE breath observation with exercise or other breathing pranayama. The breath observation of EXHALE air must be done in sitting or motionless positions only. Do not perform breath observation in walking postures or when in motion. In the case of any abnormal behavior or change of breath after breath observation meditation, please STOP the breath observation of exhaled air and switch to ANULOM VILOM pranayama performed for at least 5-10 minutes a few times a day, immediately for a few days, this will stop any change in breath pattern that is the result of breath observation. In Anulom Vilom pranayama within the perimeter of the nose, we observe inhaled air from the right nose during inhale and observe exhaled air from the left nose during exhale by closing the left nostril with the index finger and then observe inhaled air from the left nose during inhale and observe exhale air from the right nose during exhale by closing the right nostril with the index finger. Please watch related videos on ANULOM Vilom Pranayama on YouTube for this. Or to be on the safe side one may perform ANULOM Vilom pranayam immediately after the breath observation meditation for at least 5 minutes.



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