Draft Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights Will Enable Russian Malign Influence
My take on the recent draft report released by the Commission on Unalienable Rights is posted today at Jurist.org. TLDR: The report should be withdrawn and revised. As is, it provides ample fodder for Russia and like-minded states to continue misdirecting and manipulating the international human rights system in the name of state sovereignty, non-interference, and "traditional" values. The inevitable result: Human rights, including "unalienable" ones will suffer. Big thanks to @Jurist for their quick turnaround.
Relative to the “Commission on Unalienable Rights”, see my “public comment” (under the name, “Michael Takac”) on the Commission’s draft: https://www.state.gov/draft-report-of-the-commission-on-unalienable-rights-public-comment/