dr rebel: 2024 ... it's a wrap ??

dr rebel: 2024 ... it's a wrap ??

? you can receive this reflection straight into your mailbox. sign up now!

this is it - we near the end of 2024 so it's time for a reflection, an overview, and a gift (or two)!

this was the first year of the ASK DR REBEL newsletter. below you can find the full overview of all 23 questions, categorised into three sections:

  1. questions by managers of rebels: surprising, thought-provoking, and insightful reflections that will help managers to create an environment where rebel talent flourishes
  2. questions by co-workers of rebels: lots of practical tips for co-workers of rebels to collaborate better with a rebel and create magic together
  3. questions by rebels: these provide lots of great hands-on insights for rebels to become more effective and loveable

?? you can also download all questions as an e-book, and i have also put together an e-book with all the rebel tools. you can both download them here for free (i am not asking for any personal data)

a rollercoaster

so, last year has been a bit of a ride ??. writing about rebellious behaviour every two weeks wasn’t easy but it forced me to clear my thoughts, and your questions helped me to discover some of the biggest struggles of, with, and about rebels. big thank you to everyone who reached out to me last year. you know who you are! ??

newsletter improvements

to make the ASK DR REBEL newsletter even better in 2025, i would be over the moon if you help me with some quick feedback. simply put the number(s) you agree with in the comments or DM them!

?? ?? what do you like best about the newsletter?

1/ diversity of the questions

2/ practical answers

3/ frameworks

4/ downloadable rebel tools

5/ frequency (bi-weekly)

?? ?? do you want me to change anything about the newsletter?

6/ alternate rebel stories and questions

7/ add more personal stories

8/ include more scientific research

9/ nothing, keep up the good work!

???? if you have any other feedback, please share to [email protected] or DM me!

Overview of all DR REBEL questions in 2024:

#1: QUESTIONS BY MANAGERS OF REBELS - lots of practical tips for managers to create an environment where rebel talent flourishes

  • the rebel in my team always comes up with dumb ideas. what can i do about that? read
  • the rebels in our organisation complain a lot and are unmanageable. should we just fire them? read
  • the rebel in our team has become very cynical. how can we improve the situation? read
  • how can i empower the rebels in my organisation? read
  • the rebel in my team keeps giving me unsolicited advice and it drives me nuts. please, help me! read
  • i wish my team would develop more new ideas. how can i help them to rebel a bit more? read
  • i don't know how to interpret the rebel's behaviour in my team. am i dealing with a toxic person? read
  • is there a rebel in all of us? read

#2: QUESTIONS BY CO-WORKERS OF REBELS - lots of practical tips for co-workers of rebels to collaborate and create magic together

  • my co-worker always brings problems to the table, but i need solutions. what can i do? read
  • i am collaborating with a fellow rebel, and we are both pretty opinionated. how can we make it work? read
  • what makes a rebel? read
  • how can we ease tension in our team? read
  • i have to collaborate with the rebel in our team, but it's damn hard. how can we make it work? read
  • rebels seem to fix stuff really well. how do they do that? read
  • rebels dare to speak up without feeling uncomfortable. how do they manage? read
  • my rebel boss changes his mind and comes up with new ideas all the time. how should i deal with this? read

#3: QUESTIONS BY REBELS - lots of practical tips for rebels to become more effective and loveable

  • i’ve experienced a lot of criticism, and now i don’t dare to speak up anymore. any tips? read
  • how do i know when it’s time to leave? read
  • people find me difficult, but i just want to prevent the team from making mistakes. what can i do to change this? read
  • how do you recognise a 'rebel-proof' workplace? read
  • all this opposition makes me feel stressed. what can i do to prevent myself from burning out? read
  • i want to improve how we work, but i keep my mouth shut because i feel people think i am a know-it-all. what should i do? read
  • when people are not open to what i have to say, i get super frustrated and become cynical. how can i manage my emotions better? read

2025, here we come ... let’s keep rebelling all!

it's not rebel that make trouble, but trouble that makes rebels

?? share your burning rebel question

this is a place where we can learn from one another. your thoughts and personal experiences are greatly appreciated. if you have a burning question, we'd love to hear from you - DM me

don't miss out and get this reflection straight into your mailbox

simone van neerven

founder reBella | innovation & change catalyst | facilitator | speaker, columnist & author | dr rebel

2 个月

download the free rebel tool book with 20 REBEL tools:? https://www.rebella.la/free-rebel-ebook/

simone van neerven

founder reBella | innovation & change catalyst | facilitator | speaker, columnist & author | dr rebel

2 个月

download the free ebook with all the questions:? https://www.rebella.la/free-rebel-ebook/



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