Dr. Quek's tips on MSMA (Part 26)- MSMA Workshop A- Day 1 (19-9-2022)
Daniel Keng Hong Quek
Specialist in Hydrology, Hydraulic and Water Quality Computer Modelling, Drainage Consultant, Professional Consulting Civil Engineer and PHP Software Web Developer of Hydrology Software
Introduction to MSMA
Before 2000, engineers in Malaysia applied the “Planning and Design Procedure No. 1” published by D.I.D. (the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia) in 1975 (DID, 1975) for their drainage design. This is a relatively simple document to use- with only 242 pages covering ten chapters.
But this has changed with the introduction of the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia” (“Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia” or abbreviated as MSMA) in 2000 (DID, 2000- abbreviated hereinafter as MSMA, 2000). The new Manual is much more thorough in its coverage of subject matters compared to the old procedure. It contains 48 chapters spanning more than 1,100 pages. Its content reflects the latest advances in the field of stormwater quantity and quality management from around the world, with many major changes in approaches and procedures.
In 2011, the Department has published an updated version of the same manual, known as MSMA 2nd Edition (DID, 2011- abbreviated hereinafter as MSMA, 2011). This document was launched by the Department in early 2012 and enforced on 1st July, 2012. The document is roughly half the thickness of the first edition. There are many significant changes in requirements and computational procedures between the two editions of MSMA (2000 and 2011).
Main Functionality of MSMAware
MSMAware is an online software designed to comply with the requirements of the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia” (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia) published by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (MSMA, 2011).
Chief Developer of MSMAware
MSMAware is developed by a team of software developers headed by Ir. Dr. Quek Keng Hong, who is a consulting engineer by practice. He obtained his Civil Engineering, Master of Engineering Science and Ph.D. degrees from the University of NSW, Australia. ?He has nearly three decades of post-graduate experience mainly in consultancy work.?He specialises in the field of water resources including hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and environmental management. Dr. Quek is a regular contributor of engineering journals, seminars and conferences, with more than 30 publications to his credit. He has conducted regular workshops, seminars and talks in his fields of expertise. Dr. Quek was the reviewer representing IEM in the review process of the first edition of MSMA organised by DID. He was the former Chairman of the Water Resources Technical Division of IEM for two terms.
Notations Used in this Publication
In this publication, there are numerous references to figures, tables and appendices in MSMA and other publications. These are underlined in order to differentiate them from the same references used in this publication. The convention adopted is as follows:
If a reference is not underlined e.g., Table 4.1, it refers to a table in this publication.
If a reference is underlined e.g., Table 4.1, it refers to a table in other publications- the source is cited after the reference e.g., Table 1 of MSMA (2000) or Table 2 of HP1 (2021).
The same convention above applies to figures, appendices and etc.
Content of this User’s Manual
The content of this User’s Manual includes the following:
MSMAware Modules
The MSMAware consists of the following modules:
Layout of this User’s Manual
This Manual includes the following sections:
1.???About MSMAware
2.???Design Storm
3.???Rational Method
4.???Time-Area Method
5.???On-Site Detention
6.???Detention Basin
7.???Culvert Design
Author, Publisher and Copyright
This Manual is prepared by Ir. Dr. Quek Keng Hong and published by DrQuek & Associates (SA0226127-X).?
The copyrights of all software referred to in this manual belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Contact Details
1??????ABOUT MSMAware
This Chapter is an introduction to MSMAware- an online application software for drainage design for compliance with the following guidelines published by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia:
1.???Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia, or MSMA) (DID, 2011).
2.???Hydrological Procedure No. 1 (HP1)- Estimation of Design Rainstorm in Peninsular Malaysia (DID, 2021).
3.???Sarawak Urban Storm Water Management Manual (SUStoM) (DID, 2016).
4.???Hydrological Procedure No. 26 (HP26)- Estimation of Design Rainstorm in Sabah and Sarawak (DID, 2018).
5.???Sarawak Hydrological Year Book (DID, 2020).
1.2?????Programming language
This software is written in PHP script which is a server-side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. It can be used to manage dynamic content, databases and session tracking, and is integrated with MySQL.
1.3?????Access to MSMAware
You must sign up for free in order to access MSMAware.
To sign up go to: https://members.msmaware.com
The pricing of the software is shown in the table below.
Membership Type
Fee Per Year (RM)
Peak Discharges*
Detention +
√ #
# ????????Storm Module: Free version allowed only access to basic features. Advanced features like access to online google map and printing of reports not allowed.
* ?????????Peak Discharge Module include: Rational Method, Temporal Pattern and Time Area Method.
+ ????????Detention Module: On-Site Detention and Detention Basin.
1.5?????Quick Start Guide
To get started quickly, download the pdf guide and watch the videos at:
1.6?????Subscribe to Receive Full Documentation
To download the complete documentation in pdf format, please subscribe here: https://subscribe.msmaware.com. After subscription, the download link will be sent to you via email.
Visit https://msma.my for online version of the documentation.
1.7?????Technical Support
Below are the means to get technical support:
1.???Helpdesk in the members area
2.???Support via Whatsapp: 6012-2812590
3.???Email: [email protected]