Dr. Quek's tips on MSMA (Part 2)- How to Correctly Apply the Rational Method in MSMA?

Dr. Quek's tips on MSMA (Part 2)- How to Correctly Apply the Rational Method in MSMA?


Upcoming MSMA Workshop- Drainage Design for Compliance with MSMA (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia) or the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia. MSMA workshop coming to Kuching and Kuala Lumpur. You can find out about the upcoming workshop topics, venues and dates as follows:1. GOOGLE FORM:Please refer to Table 1 for Workshop topics and Table 2 for Workshop venues and dates on the Google Form at (please remove the spacings before and after the fullstop in the following URL): MSMA2workshopForm . msmam . com2. WORKSHOP BROCHURE:Please download the workshop brochures containing the course content and complete details at: workshop . msmam . com 3. FREE SEMINARS:Free 1-Day Seminar in KL, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Signup for the next upcoming Seminar at:MSMA2SeminarForm . msmam . com4. FREE ECOURSE:Free eCourse on MSMA. You receive 1 free Youtube video a week. Signup at: ecourse . msmam . comYou can also Email (workshops @ msmam . com) or HP: 012 2812 590 Whatsapp (drquek) us for more info.Drainage Design for Compliance with MSMA (Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia) or the Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia by JPS (Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia). Dr. Quek specialises in hydrology and hydraulic studies, urban drainage design, flood investigations, computer modelling, masterplan studies and acted as expert witness on several court cases involving flood damages, design of On-Site Detention (OSD), design of detention basin, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP), software development in PHP programming language.#MSMA #Manualsaliranmesraalam #drainage #drainageguide #JPS #jabatanpengairandansaliran #departmentofirrigationanddrainage#OSD #waterresources #drainagedesignguideline #designstorm#rationalmethod #onsitedetention #ManualSaliranMesraAlamMalaysia#UrbanStormwaterManagementManualforMalaysia #hydrology #urban drainage #quekkenghong #drquek #drquekkenghong


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