Dr. Nesi explaining Geordie Shore’s Holly Hagan “why we don’t recommend under-eye fillers at Signature Clinic”

Dr. Nesi explaining Geordie Shore’s Holly Hagan “why we don’t recommend under-eye fillers at Signature Clinic”

Holly Victoria Hagan is an English television personality and model.

“I was looking into potentially getting some filler in my under eye area. I don't think the area is super bad, I think I'm just over analysing it however, I find the area is a little dehydrated and needs some puffing out.” - Holly Hagan


“So, puffing it up a little bit I understand but what exactly are you looking to achieve? - Dr Nesi

“I mean I’d love it if there wasn't a single line underneath my eyes. When I put my make up on I definitely notice the under eye wrinkles a lot more. so , I'm wondering if filler would be a good option for me?” - Holly

“You are very young and one of the things with fillers is they attract fluid; since its hyaluronic acid. If you want to put filler under your eyes, yes it's going to fill it out but with your skin being such good quality will most likely end up with eye bags. Unfortunately when you get under eye filler again and again you are stretching the area creating excess skin. As a result you are doing the exact opposite of what you are looking to achieve. This will result in your needing under eye Blepharoplasty later on in life.” - Dr Nesi

“So you're saying in the short run it will look good, but eventually it will start to stretch out the skin and you'll need to get surgery to then remove the excess skin?” - Holly

“Exactly, in the long run it will have the opposite effect of what you are looking to achieve. In the early days yes it will look fine, it will be a bit fuller but in young people it's definitely better to avoid this treatment. You also mentioned the area feels a little dry so I would recommend a good under eye moisturiser, to use SPF 50 everyday and wear sunglasses to keep that area protected.” - Dr Nesi

“Another thing that causes wrinkles is of course smiling so if you really wanted we could inject some Botox into the crows feet area just to soften the movement there?” - Dr Nesi

“I think that's interesting because most people would do whatever we asked as they are getting their business promoted through us. I’ve had a lot of that in the past and ended up with overfilled lips and treatments that I really don't need. I appreciate you saying no and giving me other options to consider as I would have jumped into it before doing the proper research.” - Holly

“It is very common, we have a lot of influencers coming in and they've never been told no. This is medicine, this is not about how many followers or how big an influence someone has, this is about making a person happy, confident and the best looking version of themselves. It's always better to go a little bit less and make everyone happy!” - Dr Nesi

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