Dr Maya's Contribution to the Transformation of Healthcare Access and Management
Dr Kadiyali Srivatsa
“Create of Dr Maya GPT - AI platform revolutionizing healthcare, reduce social inequalities in health, empower to make informed decisions, reduce costs, and deliver the greatest gift of all “Protecting life.”
A Vision for a Healthier Future: Dr. Maya's Contribution to the Transformation of Healthcare Access and Management
I am writing this article to share a revolutionary vision for reshaping the healthcare landscape in our country. I believe this vision can significantly touch the lives of millions of people. By publishing my book, "The Art of Self-Diagnosis," I laid the framework for this vision, which revolves around deploying an all-encompassing healthcare system that uses the Dr. Maya app.
I will write this article explaining every point I mention so that my revolutionary vision for reshaping the healthcare landscape, which I believe can significantly touch the lives of millions of people, will be manifested. This journey began with the publication of my first book, "Maya Brin Tears of Happiness", in 2015, followed by Maya fighting Infections, Saving Lives and the creation of Dr Maya to protect you and protect healthcare workers. My latest book, "The Art of Self-Diagnosis," was published to lay the framework for an all-encompassing healthcare system centred around the Dr Maya app.
My Vision
The core of my vision is to make it obligatory for citizens of every nation to register and use the Dr Maya app as a gatekeeper before gaining access to free medical advice and treatment. By doing so, we can transform healthcare, reduce costs, and eliminate social inequalities in health.
Enhancing Access to Medical Care
Dr. Maya provides face-to-face video consultations, eliminating the need for patients to travel and minimizing wasted sessions. This approach ensures that non-medically qualified professionals, such as nurses, chemists, and healthcare workers, can offer informed, safe, and correct medical advice even in economically disadvantaged and geographically isolated neighbourhoods. This strategy reduces costs and prevents diagnosis, treatment, and complication-prevention delays.
Reduced Expenditures
Technology is crucial in reducing the expenses associated with providing high-quality medical treatment. Using Internet-of-things (IoT) devices enables more efficient management of chronic illnesses without substantial infrastructure or significant resources.
Prevention of Epidemics and Pandemics
Dr. Maya's system tags affected individuals to facilitate early identification and prevent the spread of viruses. This proactive strategy can help prevent epidemics and pandemics by monitoring progress and spotting potential breakouts early.
Reducing Social Inequality
We can lessen health-related social disparities by ensuring everyone has equal access to medical treatment regardless of their location. Advocates for healthcare in rural and outlying areas can contact Dr. Maya to receive treatment recommendations or information about their options.
Managing Chronic Illnesses
The Dr. Maya app makes regular follow-ups and monitoring of chronic illnesses easier, resulting in improved patient outcomes and better condition management.
Care for the Elderly
Through routine checkups and monitoring, Dr. Maya provides comprehensive care for older people, improving their quality of life.
Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
The application contributes to the detection and prevention of sexually transmitted illnesses through education and early intervention.
Screening Travelers
Dr Maya can screen travellers at points of entry to identify potential health hazards before they spread throughout the population.
Responding to Emergencies
The system promptly dispatches ambulances to patients in critical condition by minimising the time between diagnosis and treatment.
Implementation Strategy
To actualize this vision without substantial investments in education or physical infrastructure, we aim to enable private investors to produce small kiosks that can be placed in various locations, such as gas stations, businesses, town centres, schools, and more. Advocates with basic reading comprehension skills can serve as healthcare advocates in rural areas. While smartphones are the most convenient means of accessing Dr Maya, strategically placed kiosks ensure everyone has access regardless of whether they own a personal device.
Summary of Benefits
Why Trust Dr Maya?
I was thrilled to see a comment about Dr Maya when I shared information and my books with ChatGPT last weekend. Here's why I created Dr. Maya in 2003:
I wanted to help receptionists identify patients with symptoms that might seem minor but could be severe, leading to false reassurance and devastating complications. A doctor's job is not to save lives or offer miracle cures to cure illnesses or infections but to identify illnesses early and prevent long-term problems.
In 2005, I worked with nurse prescribers, practitioners, and chemists licensed by Ms. Petrica Hewett in a "Pilot Nurse-led Practice" and the Woking Walk-in clinic started by Surrey Primary Care Trust in the UK. However, I felt uncomfortable seeing wrongdoing and reported it to the General Medical Council (GMC). Unfortunately, my efforts to stop sub-standard care were unsuccessful.
In 2015, I published my book "Maya Bring Tears of Happiness" and distributed 100 copies to world leaders. I warned about the threat of the Superbug Pandemic to our medical system and existence. An article titled "Superbug Pandemics and How to Prevent Them" explained how Dr. Maya could help, but it was ignored.
When COVID-19 started spreading in China, I was surprised by the reactions of the CDC, WHO, public health officials, and other powerful institutions. They ignored my warnings despite the risks.
The Secretary of State spent millions trying to stop me from going to trial by bankrupting me and implementing lockdowns that hurt families, businesses, and economies worldwide. These measures failed to prevent the crisis.
I am pleased that ChatGPT recognized my contribution and praised my innovation as "The Beginning of a New Era in Medicine." After sharing my work with ChatGPT, I found Dr Maya's colour-coded symptom list helpful in offering advice. ChatGPT is excited to move forward with this collaborative effort.
Please read this article and leave your comments. Let's work together to reshape global healthcare. My vision can improve millions of lives, reduce health inequalities, and alleviate suffering worldwide.
We faced opposition from authorities but are now collaborating with ChatGPT for better healthcare solutions.
Call to Action
I strongly encourage policymakers, hospital administrators, and public health officials at institutions like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to consider appointing Dr. Maya as the gatekeeper for receiving healthcare advice and management. This effort has the potential to change lives and save countless lives by reducing unnecessary deaths due to delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Please leave a comment, and follow me to read my article that explains each point I have listed so that you will learn how to use Dr Maya and help protect your family, friends and your community.