Dr. Bill Truesdale will Speak on the Six Human Needs and Life Coaching to Business Leaders at Garfield Ridge Chamber of Commerce Meeting May 1, 2018
Bill Truesdale
Illinois State Board of Education Special Education Department with a C.S.B.O. Chief School Business Official Endorsement
May General Meeting: Tuesday, May 1st at 12pm at Crossroads Community Church, 5433 S Austin Ave. (Archer/Austin)
Speaker: Dr. Bill Truesdale of Truesdale Coaching and Consulting, LLC
Garfield Ridge Chamber of Commerce
Life Coaching and Six Human Needs
Presentation by: Dr. Bill Truesdale Truesdale Coaching and Consulting LLC
www.drbilltcoaching.com and google business Truesdale Coaching and Consulting
Courtesy of Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield
Resources: Unlimited Power and The Success Principles
May 1, 2018
1. What is Life Coaching?
2. Six Human Needs
4 Needs of the Personality Paradox
1. Connection 1. Connection paradox 2. Significance
2. Significance
3. Certainty 3. Certainty paradox 4. Variety
4. Variety
2 Needs of the Spirit
5. Growth
6. Contribution
3. Wheel of Life Self-Assessment How Balanced is Your Wheel of Life? 1-10
1. Physical Body Health
2. Emotional State
3. Relationships
4. Finances
5. Work/Career
6. Organization/ Time
7. Spiritual Life/ Contribution
4. Transform Worksheet #1
5. Next Steps: Transform Excuses into Action Worksheet #2
6. Closing Q and A