Annual IDSA Update Session: December 15, 2023.

Annual IDSA Update Session: December 15, 2023.

?? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ????????, ????:???? - ????:???? ?????? ???? At the end of the year, International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) always provides a comprehensive overview, uptake and outlook. This is absolutely relevant for anyone who wants to have a say on the subject of #dataspaces and #sovereigndatasharing !

Register Link

? What did we and our members achieve in 2023? What is particularly important? Have you heard about 5.0 version of the IDS-RAM, Dataspace Protocol, Eclipse Dataspace Working Group, standardization progress and ISO?

? What will be the focus of 2024? ?What are the relations to initiatives like Catena-X , Asociación BAIDATA , Mobility Data Space , SCSN , EONA-X , Green Deal Dataspace , FIWARE among others?

?Which IDSA assets have been developed further by any of the R&D projects IDSA is involved in like DATAMITE , Zero-SWARM , Data Spaces Support Centre , among others?

?Which R&D projects are currently building #sovereigndatasharing ecosystems for which domain, just like DISCO Project , Health-X dataLOFT , TEF – Testing AI and Robotics in Smart Communities DOME Marketplace among others?

?? All this will be presented and discussed during the annual IDSA update session December 15th, 11:00 - 12:00 CET | 18:00 - 19:30 CST | 19:00 - 20:30 JST | 05:00 - 06:30 EST | 02:00 - 3:30 WST.

? Register and join +250 other dataspaces enthusiasts and experts in various industries! Lars Nagel | Reinhold E. Achatz | Ulrich Ahle | Boris Otto | Ute Burkhardt | Jesús de la Maza | Marcus Hartmann | Niels Syassen | Christoph Gerkum | Berry Vetjens | Akira SAKAINO | Olivier Colas | Hanno Focken | Juanjo Hierro | Alberto Abella, PhD | Jesus Ruiz | Oscar Lazaro | Stefan Wiedemann

Great to see the comprehensive overview, uptake and outlook provided by the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA)!


