Remember how workplaces used to be packed with file cabinets full of papers, ingoing and outgoing boxes full of documents, paperwork heaped on every shelf, and filling every desk drawer? Aren’t you happy they’re a thing of the past? Isn’t it lovely to operate in a paperless workplace environment, where everything is scanned and saved digitally for simple access and added security? In all seriousness, for many organisations, the paperless future is still a distant reality. Dox and Box understands that an average workplace uses thousands of sheets of paper every year, and slightly more than 50% of all documents printed in offices are stashed someplace, never to be seen again! Furthermore, you’re just starting to think about electronic?document management services, or you’ve already discovered that constructing a paperless workplace is much more difficult than it appears, and reams of paper continue to pile up despite your best intentions.

5 Phases Of Shifting To Electronic Document Management Services

We at Dox and Box believe that electronic document management can entail much more than just scanning and preserving. However, before shifting to electronic document management it is essential to completely understand how the model works. To assist you efficiently establishing a strategy to migrate to one of the?best document management systems, we propose the following five phases. The 5 phases of shifting to efficient electronic document management services are as follows:

1. Determine Your Document Retention Policy

The first step in reducing paper and developing a document management plan is to understand where all of the paperwork is coming from. Examine what sorts of papers are being maintained within your organisation as a consequence of policy requirements. What documentation must your team members keep, and for how long? Do any sections of your document retention policy need to be updated to reflect a digital future? If you don’t already have one, consider creating a purge plan based on when papers are no longer needed to ensure they are properly disposed of. When using one of the best document management systems, retention policies and regulations can be included into the system.

2. Identify How Documents Are Used Throughout Your Key Business Processes

You also need to understand how papers are used in important departments within your organisation. How and when do documents get produced, transported, and stored? Dox and Box advises to carefully consider which of these papers can be removed. We advocate developing automated workflows utilising software based on the number of documents controlled by your business processes. Once you understand why papers are generated throughout your organisation, you may decide which ones should be saved and which should be deleted outright.

3. Determine Where To Store Your Digital Files And Images

You’ll need a secure location to keep all of your digital data and photographs. This is where Dox and Box come into play. We understand that it should also be easily accessible to important team members so that you can locate particular files quickly. Dox and Box keeps digital documents in a central location which can be cloud-based to enhance accessibility. An appropriate cloud storage system would include tools for converting paper documents into digital assets, controlling access and standardised compliance requirements, and storing all digital documents and assets in a consistent file structure and format. By centralising use and access, Dox and Box serves as a centre for connecting and deploying larger information management methods, records management, and business process automation.

4. Ensure Security And Disaster Recovery Are In Place

There are several critical steps in document management, but the most crucial is security. A timestamp and user stamp should be generated for each document management activity. When someone uploads, deletes, or alters a file, the user’s details and timestamp are saved in an audit trail. Will every user get access to all documents? User’s access can be restricted. The storage of sensitive information can be separated into distinct volumes on a server’s hard disc. If public documents are necessary, your cloud storage system can have a public-facing gateway that allows public information to be presented without compromising the system.

Redundancy, backups, and disaster recovery all go hand in hand with security. Utilising Dox and Box’s capabilities, such as cloud storage, enables off-site access to resume work as if the user were in the office. Cloud storage is essential in the case of a disaster. Files may be archived even after the retention policy date.

5. Select An Electronic Document Management System

Now that you’re aware of the information of efficient electronic document management services, the acquisition of an electronic document management system is critical, just like any other procurement. However, Dox and Box can do the precise function that you desire. The crucial aspect is to include the appropriate set of requirements. However, choosing from the best document management systems that best meets your needs can be based on your changing business processes and functional requirements. Dox and Box ensures to modernise your paper operations if you have clean business processes, a taxonomy in place, and adequate infrastructure security.

Now it’s time to gather all of the papers you wish to scan. Remove staples, paperclips, and post-it notes from your documents before scanning, and ensure they are not crumpled or folded. Set them all aside in a handy position so you don’t have to look for them once you start scanning.


By now, this may appear to be a lot of extra effort, especially if you have decade’s worth of papers to identify, acquire, and scan. However, doing a little more preparation ahead of time will result in some standardised methods for scanning and handling documents. Finally, this extra preparation will save you time, money, and problems for many years. Thanks to digital solutions by Dox and Box, the future is more feasible than ever before. Take the time to collaborate with us and your digital documents will be safe, secure, and available to anybody in your organisation who has the necessary rights. You will then be free to dispose of paper documents in accordance with your retention policy, resulting in a cleaner, more efficient, and less wasteful working environment. By working with Dox and Box, the best?document management service in India, your organisation can simply develop a document management strategy that will not only meet your organisation’s system needs but also streamline your internal procedures and workflows.


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