I saw an interview with Yuval Harari. He just wrote a book, "21 Lessons for the 21st Century." I have yet to read it but one of his major discussions is Labor. Not the fear of unemployement but of irrelevance. With the advent of AI and Machine Learning and the speed of the Internet, Technology is making people irrelevent. We need to change how we live and keep learning to keep our place in line. This building is a new project I am working on. It is not just for young families but for mature people who still want to be involved. We will have great amenities and also walkability to shopping and municipal services.
The need to be needed is more than a personal thing. We all have to feel we belong in society and can contribute. If we "Retire" and don't find a new thing to do, we relegate ourselves to the waiting room and we will suffer health and mental issues because of it. We need to throw out Crap, liberate our lives and find new directions, at any age, or we become Irrelevant and it will be our own damn fault.