Downsize this!
Oh, Oh … It looks like it may be that time again. The economy is beginning to get the “slows”.??If your company is like so many, the searching for qualified help has begun to subside. The layoffs are beginning to accelerate. Which means some of your valued, productive, and well-trained employees will likely be getting that dreaded layoff notice right before Christmas.
Surely. It is one of your least favorite things to do. As you have been tasked to reduce costs, rather than downsize your most important human capital, downsize this......
Downsize your costs, not your people, wherever and whenever possible.
How many people could you retain if you had better control of essential costs? You know how much it costs to retrain and acquire a new employee. You know how much it hurts (you have probably experienced it yourself) to receive that painful layoff notice. You know how many Christmases will be ruined. Even worse, how many lives could be hurt with that terribly timed notice.
Try this first!
Reduce your required expenses, before you must take that next painful step and reduce your valued team members.
Downsizing may be ultimately required, but please, DOWNSIZE THIS!
Your telecom budget is a necessary and required expense. Integrity CSI, has an extraordinary track record of finding savings where our clients did not initially believe there was any savings to be found. How many jobs were saved due the savings IntegrityCSI found for our clients? How many more jobs would have been lost had not our clients found another way to downsize??
Listen to what Mat Pyle, Chief Procurement Officer, First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO) has to say about IntegrityCSI......
Integrity provides FNBO with Expense & Asset Management, Invoice Optimization, Help Desk & eProcurement. Integrity not only has a proven to have the TEM tools to manage our needs but has provided exceptional support in the following categories:
Account Management * Innovation * Technology * Quality * Customer Service * Contract Compliance * Ariba/eCommerce Enablement
We highly recommend Integrity Communications for TEM services and solutions.
Engagement to date savings $780,000
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"Only the uninformed pay full price"
Contact: [email protected] * Johnnie Craig 913-927-6696?