The downside of social media
Is there an epidemic of widowerhood at the moment? Why am I asking? Well like most (possibly) all women who use social media I get ‘friend or contact’ requests from random men.? They are all of a certain age, a certain look and amazingly all retired doctors or pilots and of course widowed.
The thing is in my previous work I met a lot of people from a lot of different back grounds and nationalities and I also don’t have the best memory, so when I see a DM I’ve often engaged not wanting to appear rude or anything, but I quickly get to the point of knowing that these are not people I’ve met in any capacity.? The first give-away is the initial message – Hi, how have you been…I mean WTF is that even supposed to mean. How have you been? When??
For a while my first question was how do you know me.? Some straight up admit that they don’t but they liked my picture, depending which account it is I will have a chuckle at that one, because on some of my social media accounts I have a piece of art work or my favourite cartoon of me as a profile picture.? If you do find an actual pic of ‘me’ please be aware that it will be photoshopped to within an inch of its life, in fact I think my current LinkedIn pic might actually be the only one that isn’t, but it is black and white and tiny for a reason.
One last year that I mistakenly engaged with, was writing great lengths of messages and I would respond with a one or two word answer and when I was traveling I’d opened the message a few minutes before my flight but not actually got around to responding until much later that evening.? He demanded, yes you heard that right….DEMANDED to know why I had not answered him earlier in the day. I won’t tell you how I responded, lets just say he got the sharp edge of my tongue before the block.
I’ve stopped worrying about appearing rude now and just delete them, along with the NFT art ‘collectors’ , but it is time consuming and boring and I have better things to do.? Don’t get me wrong though, I love to have conversations with people, although I have an extremely sensitive bullshit detector and it’s always switched on. So if you want to chat about life, love and the universe then go for it, but if you are some scammer, as I suspect most are then you will get short shrift.?
And if that’s not it at all, but you are looking for some kind of ‘hook-up’ then I will let you into a little secret, I am extremely fussy.? I have a very definite ‘type’ and chances are you are not it.? Your job title whether past or present won’t impress me and if you are sitting there with a stethoscope round your neck I don’t care, I’ve got my own…horsey people will know why that is…
Your attempts at projecting an image of wealth doesn’t matter to me either.? I’m far more intrigued by the content of someone’s character or intellect rather than the contents of their bank account.? I have diminished my circle of friends to the absolute bare minimum so if I even talk to you then you can count yourself as privileged.
Oh did I mention I am fussy…
If you are one of those guys that thinks sending pictures of part of your anatomy is going to impress me well I hate to break it to you…I have horses, male horses, lets just say nothing you have in your trousers will match up, you know what I mean…
So if you are interested in my art work, please feel free to contact me.? If we’ve worked in similar fields or you are on a journey of self-discovery and something I’ve written about struck a chord with you and you just feel like a chat, then go ahead, let’s talk…otherwise please do us all a favour and stop bothering women that you don’t know.