The Downside of Servant Leadership
Teresa Brazen, CPCC, ACC
Inspiring a new era of leadership ?? | Executive Coach | Host of The Inspirational Leader Series ??
Here’s the downside of servant leadership: it’s EXHAUSTING.
Trying to be there for everybody…
Staying on top of all the one-on-ones…
Meeting after meeting with stakeholders, execs, and cross-functional peers…
Putting out the never-ending fires…
Trying to get asinine obstacles removed for your team...
Advocating for desperately needed resources to ensure you can deliver…
Doing whatever needs to be done to drive the business forward…All while trying not to let the immense pressure get to you…
It’s no wonder servant leadership can BURN. PEOPLE. OUT.
It's also no wonder that many of my clients are disconnected from what they need, personally, to sustain, thrive, and grow. They are so busy serving…that they either forget or don’t feel they CAN, serve themselves.
Servant leadership has to be balanced with self-preservation.?Better yet, self-nourishment.Because you cannot lead from a place of depletion.
The good new: It IS possible to be a servant leader who is not exhausted.
BUT, that requires:
- Not feeling guilty for taking the afternoon off to get a massage, throw a football with your kid, or go for a hike when you notice your meter is tilting toward empty.?
- Or, doing it despite your guilt.?
- Or doing it when your meter is full—because you want to KEEP it full.
- And doing it because you understand there is only so much YOU to go around.
If servant leadership is your approach of choice, make sure you serve yourself, too....[And, if you could use the support and accountability of a coach to shape a sustainable leadership practice—for you or your team—DM me to set up a coaching consultation. I'd love to help.]
Teresa Brazen
Leadership and Executive Coach