“A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.”

???????????? -Theodore Roosevelt

Our elections are almost upon us. One thing, that can be said with certainty, is that Tuesday’s roust-abouts are full of characters. One problem is the media. In America, on TV or in the Press, we used to have news and opinions. Now opinions are touted as news and actual news is getting harder and harder to find, or believe, as politics overshadows everything else. We are in an era of political turmoil and lost rationality, along with lost common sense which seems to have vanished into the wilderness.

?"We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate."?

????????????? -Thomas Jefferson

I am discussing this today because my audience are investors. To think that the outcome of our elections will not influence our markets is a grave mistake, in my humble opinion. You can vote for whom you like but their policies will have a definite impact upon both our equity and bond markets along with our currency. Consequently, once again, I urge caution as to where you are putting your money, at this moment, and I think it is a very wise time to review your portfolios. Some companies will be helped perhaps but others will be negatively impacted and a hard look, regardless of your politics, is required now, in my view.

“By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions.”?

??? ????-Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO

After the election results are announced there will not only likely be lawsuits but a reaction in the markets that is not muted. The policies of our Presidential candidates, whoever wins, will be baked into the market’s cake whoever is elected. Investors are about to face a very trying moment and it is not just in the Presidency but in whoever controls Congress.

“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”?

??????????? -Pericles

This is certainly a time where “Artificial Intelligence” is driving our equity markets but, when one stands back and stares at it, it is also a time where “Artificial Intelligence” seems to be driving our political arena as well. There used to be a time when we were Americans first but now it seems that we are Democrats or Republicans or independents before we are citizens. This is making a shambles of our country, in my opinion, and it does not bode well for the future. This is why I keep emphasizing “Caution” when taking a look at your investments. There is plenty to be “Protective” about these days.

"The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter."?

????????? -Dwight D. Eisenhower

The future of the markets are also in their hands as well!

??????????? Mark J. Grant

??????????? Chief Global Strategist

????????? ??Colliers Securities

??????????? [email protected]

??????????? U.S. 954-999-0933


