Down W/ G.O.G.? Yea, You Know M.E.
Marlon Mitchell
Start improving one student at a time with simple strategies. Contact me for further details and the opportunity to create life-long learners Educational Consultant/Prolific Speaker
?The group Naughty by Nature?SMASHED?on the scene with the "O.P.P."?hit when Hip-Hop was Soaring to new heights. It Gave the?Ok?to cheat and Live?FREE. Or is that really Free??My title question stands for?Grace of God. This lead to a better understanding of walking in Grace. This gift is given everyday, but you must GET in position to Receive. IT'S FREE!!!!!! Just close your eyes and mind for a moment to realize ALL that you have, NOT what you Think You Need. This?Grace?will pay a bill or create a free offering of assistance from an?Unknown Source. It may Happen in other ways and Thanks is the next thing I DO. SO when?G.O.G.?pays YOU a visit this week, smile and GIVE Thanks, Always.
Eternal Love?