Down on (Mojave) Mainstreet
Chris Feola
Author, Perfecting Equilibrium: For a brief, shining moment Web1 democratized data. Then Web2 came along and made George Orwell look like an optimist. Now Web3 is Perfecting John Nash’s Information Equilibrium.
Sometimes even now
When I'm feelin' lonely and beat
I drift back in time and I find my feet
There’s a peculiar magic to soldiers. They endlessly bitch and moan — they regard it as their right — about the conditions and the food and the stupidity of the Army in general and their chain of command in particular.
And all the while they are complaining they are digging in and making the place their own. Drop a platoon of soldiers into the middle of the Mojave, and in a couple of hours they’ll have themselves two hots and a cot. Sure, those two hot meals may be doctored C-Rations or Meals, Ready To Eat, accompanied by coffee made in someone’s helmet. It’s not a meal that will rate any Michelin stars. But it’ll be the best meal for 25 kilometers in any direction.
The 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) was part of the Rapid Deployment Force, so it rotated to the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, CA every few months for war games in the Mojave Desert. Here are more photos by Specialist 4 Feola (These are from before I made sergeant) from those war games.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Sunday February 18th — A New Media Compendium. Switching to new media means putting together your own news menu, rather than getting everything in one place. Here’s what I read, and why.