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???????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????: https://lnkd.in/dRYrV7pM (Resources)
????????????????: Digital marketing & SEO updates ?? https://lnkd.in/dUGsxxms
URL parameters (also known as query strings or URL query parameters) are text elements placed into URLs to aid in the filtering or organization of website content/ pages and integration of tracking into a website.
To identify a URL parameter, examine the part of the URL that appears after a question mark (?). These parameters consist of a key and a value, separated by an equals sign (=). Multiple parameters are separated by ampersands (&).
The following is an example of a complete URL string with parameters:
In the example above, there are two parameters:
Colour and Sort with the values blue and newest respectively. This parameter filters a webpage to show products that are blue and organizes them starting with the most recent ones.
URL parameters often vary depending on the specific keys and values. And can include several different combinations. However, the basic structure (shown below) will always be something like
?“https//www.domain.com/page? key1=value1&key2=value2.”
?Here's the significance of each component:
·???????? Key1: First variable name?
·???????? Key2: Second variable name
·???????? Value1: First property value
·???????? Value2: Second property value
·???????? ?: Query string begins
·???????? =: Value separator
·???????? &: Parameter separator
Additional keys and values can also be included to create more complex URL parameters.
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URL parameters are a user-friendly way to organize content on a webpage, simplifying the navigation of products, especially in online stores. These query strings allow users to customize and sort a website’s content according to their preferences.
Tracking parameters, in a similarly, are widely utilized by digital marketers to monitor the sources of incoming traffic. This enables them to evaluate the impact of their social media posts, advertising campaigns, and email newsletters on website traffic. Let's now explore the visual representation of both tracking and sorting parameters:
How Do URL Parameters Work?nbsp;
All URL parameters share a common location in the web address—they are positioned at the end, separated by "&" symbols and introduced after a "?" symbol. Here are the four main uses of URL parameters.
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·???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? (??????????????)
·???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ??????????????
·???????? ?????????????????? ?????? ????????????????????
??????????????-???????????????? ???????????????????? (????????????): These parameters actively modify the displayed content on a page. For instance, a URL like "https://domain.com/t-shirts?color=black" dynamically updates the page to showcase black T-shirts.
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Modifying content parameters, often referred to as content-altering parameters, are elements within a URL that are used to dynamically change the content displayed on a web page.
These parameters allow users and web applications to filter, sort, or customize the content they see. They are typically added to the end of a URL following a question mark (?) and consist of key-value pairs separated by equals signs (=) and ampersands (&).
For example, in the URL "https://example.com/products?category=electronics&sort=price," the parameters are "category" and "sort," and their values are "electronics" and "price," respectively. These parameters instruct the website to display electronic products and sort them by price.
Content parameters are commonly used in e-commerce websites, search engines, and any platform where users need to customize their viewing experience. They provide a dynamic and interactive way for users to access specific content tailored to their preferences.
?However, it's essential for website owners to manage content parameters effectively to avoid potential SEO issues related to duplicate content and crawlability.
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URL parameters used for web analytics serve the crucial function of providing insights into website traffic, enabling a better understanding of how users discover and engage with a site.
Unlike parameters aimed at modifying, sorting or or filtering content, analytics parameters do not modify the page's content. Instead, they offer information to the browser regarding the visit, such as the traffic source (e.g., a specific website or social media platform), the medium (e.g., email or referral), and the specific campaign or promotion associated with the link.
This data is used for marketing analytics, through tools like Google Analytics. Here are some common examples of tracking parameters:
·??????? "??????_????????????," "??????_????????????," ?????? "??????_????????????????": These three parameters are accepted and used in Google Analytics' for tracking web traffic. They are frequently utilized in advertising URLs (e.g., "?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=summersale"). "UTM" stands for ???????????? ???????????????? ????????????, the name of the web analytics software later acquired by Google and integrated into Google Analytics.
·??????? "??????????" ?????? "????????????": Google Ads and Meta Ads use these parameters as tracking identifiers for clicks from their advertising platforms. They facilitate the differentiation of performance among various subsets of digital advertising campaigns, such as ad variants and keywords.
·??????? "??????????": Parameters like "affid" are used to identify affiliate referrals.
·??????? "????????????????" ?????? "????????????": These parameters track users by aligning the specific browser in use with a user in the analytics tools' database, aiding in user-specific tracking.
Utilizing these analytics parameters empowers businesses to gain valuable insights into their web traffic sources, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing efforts effectively.
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Content sorting parameters are a vital aspect of modifying content on a web page, particularly when a page contains a diverse array of objects like products on a collection page. These parameters enable websites to effectively organize and present content to users.
For instance, if your website showcases a catalog of products, content sorting parameters allow users to filter products by category, price, or search for specific items using keywords. A URL with a sorting parameter may appear as follows:
In this case, the "category" parameter modifies the content displayed on the page, showing only products in the "clothing" category.
Popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify often employ such parameters for tasks like pagination (e.g., "page=1," "page=2," and so on), altering the order of items (e.g., "?sort_by=title-ascending" or "?sort_by=price-descending"), or applying filters to display specific subsets of objects (e.g., "?filter.v.availability=1"). These parameters enhance the user experience, making it easier for visitors to find and browse the content that interests them.
Informing URL Parameters
Informing code parameters, also known as code-related parameters, are elements within a URL used to convey specific instructions or data to a web application or system. These parameters do not typically alter the content displayed on a web page but instead serve to provide additional information to the application or code running on the server.
Informing code parameters are common in various web applications and systems, especially those that require dynamic behavior or data retrieval. They can be used to pass variables, authentication tokens, or other data to the server, which the web application can interpret and use to provide a tailored user experience.
For instance, in an e-commerce website, an informing code parameter might be used to transmit a user's session ID or authentication token, allowing the server to identify and personalize the user's shopping experience. These parameters are essential for maintaining user sessions, tracking user interactions, and ensuring the secure functioning of web applications.
While they don't visibly modify the content seen by users, informing code parameters play a crucial role behind the scenes, facilitating the dynamic and interactive nature of modern web applications.
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We've explored several advantages of query strings already. However, URL parameters serve various common purposes, including:
Many SEO experts advise minimizing the use of URL parameters because, despite their importance, they can introduce issues related to crawlability and indexability. Here are some of the most common SEO problems associated with URL parameters:
?????????????????? ??????????????: Search engines treat each URL as a separate page. URL parameters can generate multiple versions of the same page, potentially leading to issues with duplicate content. Altered parameters often produce pages very similar to the original, and in some cases, they might display identical content as the original page.
?????????? ???????????? ??????????: Complex URLs with multiple parameters can result in numerous URLs pointing to identical or highly similar content. Google indicates that web crawlers may expend unnecessary bandwidth and face challenges when indexing all content on the website.
?????????????? ??????????????????????????????: Filtered versions of the original URL may target the same group of keywords, causing multiple pages to compete for the same keyword set. This competition can confuse search engines about which page should rank for the specific keyword.
?????????? ???? ?????????????? ??????????????: When there are multiple URLs with the same content, people may link to various parameterized versions of the page. This can dilute the ranking signals for the primary pages, potentially affecting their overall search engine rankings.
???????? ???? ???????? ????????: ?Parameterized URLs can be challenging for users to read and understand. When displayed in search engine results, these URLs may appear untrustworthy, discouraging users from clicking on them.
Considering these potential drawbacks, it's crucial for website owners and SEO professionals to carefully manage and optimize URL parameters to maintain a healthy SEO performance.
SEO for URL Parameters
In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), effectively managing URL parameters is a crucial skill. These small pieces of code can significantly impact your website's search engine visibility and overall performance.
As earlier discussed URL parameter often generate various SEO errors due to the multiple URL they generate. However, this does not mean that there is no fix.
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If your website has a lot of parameterized URLs, it's important to continuously link to the static, non-parameterized page to tell crawlers which pages shouldn't be indexed.
Here are a couple parameterized URLs from an online shoe store as an illustration:
In cases of several URL versions caused by parameters?it's essential to be cautious and add internal links only to the static page (never to the versions that contain parameters).
By doing this, you'll be able to consistently tell search engines which version of the page is valuable and ought to be indexed.
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Implement Canonical Tags for Your Parameterized URLs to Improve SEO. If you've incorporated parameters it's required that you employ canonical tags across all URL variations, designating the main page as the canonical reference.
This means that URLs like
"https://www.domain.com/rings/women- rings?color=blue" and "https://www.domain.com/ rings /women- rings?type=gold-rings"
should both point to a canonical link, such as
?"https://www.domain.com/ rings /women- rings."
By doing this, you're signalling to search engine crawlers that only the canonical, main page should be indexed, not the parameterized URLs."
?If you're encountering crawl budget problems, you have the option to prevent crawlers from accessing your parameterized URLs by configuring your robots.txt file.
A robots.txt file serves as a set of instructions for bots before they crawl a website, guiding them on which pages to avoid indexing.
One effective rule in your robots.txt file to exclude parameterized URLs is as follows: