"DOUBT ME NOW!"? - Lessons from The IronCowboy
He ran 50 Ironmans in 50 days !!!!

"DOUBT ME NOW!" - Lessons from The IronCowboy

Who is this guy? I thought I was the only guy with a killer beard?

He had a killer beard, too and calls himself the #IronCowboy.

I was totally skeptical and was ready to have an email checking session during this seminar.

What I did not realize was that my mind was about to be taken on a journey that it has not gone on in a long time.

This was literally one of the most motivating seminars I have been to in a long time.

Tony Robbins is fun and inspiring but watching James talk about his experience breaking world records and then going above and beyond while being the type of family man that he is, touched a deep part of me.

Let me explain to you what this man has done.

I recently signed up to run a half marathon to support children with disabilities. The last time I tried to run it, I failed at mile 10 and I thought it was because I was majorly overweight. Now I realize it had nothing to do with my weight. It had everything to do with my head and my heart.

If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up!

This man did an Iron Man.. But not just one! He did 30 of them in one year and broke the world record.

What's an Iron man? It’s basically running a marathon 26.3 miles but before you do that you first have to swim 2.4 miles and bike 112 miles. It takes over 12 hours of work for an athlete to complete this.

After he broke the world record he decided he was going to do something every doctor told him was impossible.

He decided to do 50 Iron Mans.

Here is the caveat, he was not going to do it in one year. He was going to do it in 50 days and he was going to do it in all 50 states.

Every person on the planet that he spoke to told him that his body will fall apart form lack of sleep and severe wear and tear. He would die on his journey and it's not humanly possible to do this for 7 weeks. Put your body through that type of stress for 12 hours a day every day for 50 days?

He decided he was going to do it anyway. And he went on to tell us the story about how he completed it and how his daughter motivated him and his wife supported him.

This man did the impossible and here are some lessons that he taught us.

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10 lessons from IronCowboy

  1. Success equals doing. Do not think about how you will do it, just do. The how will show up if you believe you do can it. You must have complete faith and you must take action every day. He said that when he was on day 18, he wanted to quit so badly because he would fall asleep in 3 seconds flat if he was not focused. He was running on 4 hours of sleep on average. How did he go on to do 32 more days of this? He said, ONE MOMENT AT A TIME. He just had to take the next step. Just take one more step and have faith that if you take more more step you will not die. Keep pushing. Your body will adapt and his body did adapt.
  2. Have a committed team. He credited his success to his committed team. His team worked with him day and night to make sure that he got the 12,000 calories a day, to make every decision for him. He was not able to make decisions because he was in survival mode, he could not think. He just had to do and his team did everything for him. They supported him by day and drove him to the next state at night. He had a team of two people! Goes to show that you don't need hundreds of people to accomplish the impossible. All you need is the right people and you can create anything you put your mind to. Is your team committed?
  3. When you intentionally become uncomfortable that is when you grow the most! If you want to be able to have a better life, you must become uncomfortable. When was the last time you did something for the first time? He told us that it was his discomfort that gave him the strength to do the impossible. Having the mindset that being uncomfortable is the key to success and growth is how he was able to commit fully. Coming from that place you can literally accomplish anything you want. Everyone judged him and laughed at him for wanting to do this but he had the support of his wife and 5 kids and executed.
  4. Do not look at Talent, Look at obsession. Hard work will beat lazy talent any day of the week. Are you totally obsessed with your goal? If you are not all in, it will not happen. You must be obsessed with every fiber of your being if you want to do the impossible. Ask yourself if you are beyond obsessed, if your team is beyond obsessed. If you are not obsessed than find out what needs to happen to get people to be obsessed, that is the key to making sure people are committed. Most people have obsession with depression instead of obsession with their most important goal. Obsession creates focus, obsession create power, obsession creates breakthroughs.
  5. There is the 90/10 rule that only 10 percent of your actions will get you 90% of your results, find that 10% and focus on that. Realize that most of the things we do are not helping us get to our goal. Spend most of your day focusing on the leverage and you will get to your goal 10 times faster.
  6. If you want something different, you must do something different. Do not expect something to just happen for you, you must get up and take action every day. Daily action is what sets the greatest people apart from the people in second place.
  7. Master the basics. When things get really hard, if you invested the time to master the basics, the hardest things will go easy. All you need to focus on is doing your very best. The basics must be done over and over and when you are done, do it again. Think wax on and wax off. Keep going and become obsessed with the basics. The ones that are self disciplined to do the basics are the ones that survive the war.
  8. Everyone's heart is different. One person needs to run 50 Iron Mans to get out of their comfort zone while another person needs to get out of bed. Do your very best and push yourself to get uncomfortable. You will have your greatest breakthroughs and they are personal breakthroughs. Do not try to do what other people do, do what you do! Get out of your comfort zone and take action.
  9. Reach out and do a simple act of kindness for a stranger. Do not judge your neighbor because you never know the journey they are on and how you would be if you were on their journey. When you reach out and do a simple act of kindness, you never know the impact it will have.
  10. Make your hardest things into an adventure. It's all about your mindset. The rest will take care of itself. Living life in wonder and amazement will enable you to find solutions to the greatest problems and will make everything so much easier.

Say these words “DOUBT ME NOW!!!!” The do it anyway.

Are you ready to go on an adventure?

Realize that you are not a product of your circumstance, you are a product of your decisions.

What will you decide to do today? Please comment below! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Joe Apfelbaum

Ajax Union

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Rabbi Mordechai Zev Hecht

Rabbi at Anshe Sholom Chabad JCC, Queens NY

7 年

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