Doubling Content Output
Let’s talk about how easy it can be to double your current content quantity without sacrificing the quality.
It's actually pretty simple and I highly recommend anyone who creates video considers taking these simple steps to publish their message on different channels, through different mediums. This article comes from a video by following the steps I'm about to list.
Of course, the first thing to do is create the video itself. Why video? Think about it this way, if you're creating a script for a video, this is reverse engineering that--some people think better with their mouth than their fingers and the ideas come out vocally. Once you record your video you have this lump of clay you can play with. All the words are there you just have to remove the fatty ones, and reshape the structure until you have a final product.
So first, create the video, edit it, and publish it to your channels. Personally, I publish on LinkedIn and YouTube. YouTube is the most important one for this trick because it has the automatic transcription option.
Once I upload the video on to YouTube I copy and paste the transcript without the timestamps, and reformat it to one bulk paragraph. I then copy paste it into a Grammarly document. You don't need to upgrade to premium to get good use out of this software--the free version does enough.
First I get rid of all the likes, ums, and "ya knows" to make it sound more like a written article, then I change the intro and conclusion paragraphs because those are generally unique to video format (it's difficult to type out a wave or finger guns).
These articles clock in anywhere from 300-1000 words and by the time I delete most of the non-essential language I knock the word count down anywhere from 10-20%.
When its down to its barebones I'm able to add one or two new paragraphs that were either missed in the video or work better in an article format and TA-DA in less than fifteen minutes I took a published video and turned it into an article, doubling my content output in less time than a Spongebob episode.
From there I post my article on LinkedIn publisher, my blog, and medium. I usually schedule the post to go out one to two weeks in advance, that way I always have a steady stream of content publishing on various platforms.
I hope this article helps anyone struggling with content creation.